An Original Mutant RPG

Having escaped from the clutches of the government, a ragtag group of mutants must work together to rebuild, recruit, and hopefully to get revenge.

Posts Tagged: '%21hiatus'

May. 31st, 2017




Hey all! I am disappearing to NYC for a little while starting tomorrow morning which means, lucky you, Toby is also disappearing from your friends page for awhile. I am not bringing my laptop - soooo it's hiatus time! I will have my phone with me, so if something goes down that I need to see, poke at me via email. I also have hangouts on my phone too.

Annnnnd despite his recent little kerfuffle, assuming that the powers-that-be allow it, it makes the most sense to say Toby took a few days off from work himself and disappeared on his own for awhile. (Assume he texted the relevant people to inform them of his impromptu trip. Unless you want your character to do a text convo with him to that effect, which I am COMPLETELY open to.) He is feeling pretty claustrophobic and just #done with all the other people around. His introvert batteries need some SERIOUS recharging, which Sanctuary just does not allow for. SO VACATION FOR TOBY TOO.

Anywho~ have a lovely peaceful time sans Toby, y'all~

May. 4th, 2017



Hey everyone...

Got some stuff going on, stressing me out too much to focus on playing. I'm going to take a hiatus for about a week, maybe two.

Love you all, and I'll be back very soon.

Apr. 25th, 2017




I'm really sorry for not responding to tags as of yet. I was meaning to but between getting my tooth removed and now being trapped in jury duty shit I haven't had much time to do anything. :( I'm going to take a hiatus for now but I'll hopefully be back by this weekend.

Apr. 12th, 2017



Dear everyone ever. I am a garbage human and I am drowning in life right now. So much so that I laid down on my living room floor this morning in front of my husband and threw and adult hissy fit about not wanting to adult or eat my oatmeal. (Yes, I really am an adult too.)

Possible hiatus reasoning )

Apr. 6th, 2017



Hey everyone!

This is Amanda popping in to say hi! I've chit chatted with a few of you since I've been gone, but figured I'd give a brief update. One month has passed and I've got one month left to go here in Lebanon!! If we have a thread started and I need to tag it, please let me know!! I'm sorry I'm behind!! Even one shift with these kids (3 hours) is exhausting, plus we currently don't have internet at the house or the school.

If anyone feels like summarizing anything that has happened that Summer or Julia need know, please feel free to! (But do NOT feel like you have to, its just if you get bored and need to do something).

See everyone again in a month!

Apr. 5th, 2017




Hey everyone! School and work and RL are pretty awful right now, so I'm going to be taking a hiatus, just to alleviate a little something in my life. I'll still work on any threads we have going and if I've forgotten them, just let me know, but I probably won't be around on the friends page much for awhile. If you post something you think Toby or David needs to see, shoot me an email to let me know and I can try to jump in when I have a spare moment.


Mar. 24th, 2017



Hey all, Nicole here. I just wanted to give a heads up that Daryn (this journal) and April (~sheistimeless) will be on limited play from now until the end of the month. I have a massive exam to study for, but I didn't want to go on complete hiatus. So I will try to adult and play as a treat for adulting.

Long story short: the girls will be available for text/calls/emails, but aren't likely to engage in scenes or journal entries until I can be back in full effect. The single exception is Daryn's involvement in any plot calendar things that come up. I have a little to-do list running, so I don't forget connections (OOC and IC) that have been made thus far. When I return, I'll also do re-intros for both IC and OOC. Have fun and wish me luck!

Edit: If anyone wants to plot things in the interim, you can also catch me at and I've got 2 wanteds listed if anyone gets the itch for a new char. =)