An Original Mutant RPG

Having escaped from the clutches of the government, a ragtag group of mutants must work together to rebuild, recruit, and hopefully to get revenge.

Jul. 13th, 2017



4/29/17 8am

After serious consideration, I've decided to take an indefinite leave of absence from my position as Trustee here at Sanctuary. It has not been an easy decision, and it was not made lightly. Some of you may have noticed that I've not been myself lately. I hope to use the time away to address that, and to turn my focus toward positive personal life changes like marriage and travel. In the weeks before my departure, I will continue to fulfill my duties here. I wish you all the best, and as always, if there is anything that anyone needs, please do not hesitate to ask. It has been a pleasure working with all of you.

[Filter to Kat]
I hope you haven't taken too much of your time on sketches, but I'm sure there won't be much time for you to design anything before the wedding. I appreciate all of your help, I'm sure I can find something suitable off-the-rack.

[Filter to Jakob]
Thank you for your help in contacting my sister. We've made plans to meet up before I leave. I owe you so much for that.

[Filter to Avery]
I know it may not be the best time for you, and it's sudden, but it would mean a lot to me if you could attend the wedding. If you'd rather not, I understand. I hope that we can keep in touch.

[Filter to Sofia]
I'd love it if you could make it to the wedding. Thank you for putting up with my stubbornness, and I am taking your advice about learning to cope with things. I'll be checking up on you, but I will try not to be such a pest.

[Filter to Toby]
We never did get to take that field trip, I have no idea how I am going to unload this psychedelic school bus. Don't be a stranger, it's always good to have someone to be utterly ridiculous and sarcastic with. Thank you for everything.

Jul. 6th, 2017


Okay, so I'm not very good at taking photos all the time, but I finally took a photo of my new little baby. She's been with me for a few days now, but I would like to officially introduce Annie. If you see her around, feel free to come over to say hello.
Annie )

Jul. 3rd, 2017



[Text to Hannah]

Do you have time to talk? Something happened last week that I need to talk about (powers related) and I dont know who else to go to who won't just focus on trying to help. Just need to talk.




[Filtered to Toby]

Do you still have that security encryption program? The one that you said even I couldn't hack? I'm looking to test this new project and that type of impossible code is just what I need.



About 11pm

That moment you realize the last time you were kissed was in a video game.

Jill, thanks for the portal this morning or was that afternoon? Whichever, Tris was so happy he took me out, paid for drinks all night.

Jul. 1st, 2017



So this is panda-monium.



I don't know who sent it, but thank you for the panda bear.

Jun. 30th, 2017




How horrible of a sister am I to forget to call my brother on our Birthday? Honestly, I didn't even realize it was Sunday already much lest after the 20th. Anyone have a good cookie recipe I can borrow I can send him some 'I'm sorry. I love you. Happy Birthday.' cookies overseas?



Sunday April 23, 2017, 3pm

So apparently there was a mixup with one of the suppliers and Sanctuary is now the proud owner of three hundred plush pandas. I offered to have them returned yet my contact just told me to keep me at no charge. Should anyone have any desire for one, or a few dozen, feel free to come pick them up.

Jun. 26th, 2017


Text to Dakota )

Jun. 25th, 2017



What do people around here do for fun? Or for not-work, either one.

Jun. 24th, 2017



April 20 - late evening

He left So Ezra is fucking gone. Fuck it. Who am I even telling?

Playing Darkest Dungeon while drinking, solid idea, for anyone curious.

Whiskey versus vodka, go.

Jun. 22nd, 2017



Text to Jill )




Jun. 21st, 2017




Trying my hand at camouflage. I think I'm doing a damn fine job.

[Filter to Agents]
How are your classes going?

Also, there will be a meeting to discuss potential missions on Friday, April 21st at 10 AM. See? I'm nice. I promise not to ruin your Friday afternoon with a meeting.

[Filter to Sidney]
I need your advice



April 18th, 2017

Alright. I think... I might actually need a drink before my brain melts from too much work.

Would anyone like to accompany me into the city this evening?

Also... for any of our transporters. How far is your range? Say I wanted to pop over to France for a day?


I think I might have just found my new dancing hero.
I mean, I'm not planning to take up krump, but I want to be as good at what I do as this girl is at what she does.

Jun. 18th, 2017



April 17 - afternoon

Fairly certain that teaching a neural network to name guinea pigs is the best idea anyone has ever had.

I am officially changing my name. Should I go with Stargoon or Spockers?


I just had the most amazing time with my family!
My thanks to the wonderful lady who took me home and brought me back safe!

Jun. 17th, 2017


Can you be sugar drunk? Or sugar hungover? I think I have managed even if not.

I swear I did not take any of those eggs with the alcohol minis in them, either. Purely sugar.

And on a more serious note, we could use a few more bodies in recruiting, if anyone is still looking for a place or thinks they might be well suited for it. I swear we don't get sugar drunk all the time there. I'm always around if you want to discuss it, or anything else, too.