June 2012



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Mar. 31st, 2012


Private: Frigga )

Mar. 25th, 2012


Who: Emmy and Dani
What: Emmy comes over to see Dani and talk.
Where: Dani's apartment.
When: Saturday afternoon

Read more... )

Mar. 22nd, 2012


Who: Emmylee and Holt
What: Emmylee invites Holt over the day after this.
When: Thursday evening
Where: Emmy and Felix' apartment

Read more... )

Mar. 21st, 2012


Who: Frigga and Loki
What: Frigga awakes from a dream of the past and something goes wrong.
Where: Their apartment
When: Wednesday morning at dawn
Warnings: This will include a written out miscarriage so please do not read if that bothers you in any way.

She is there when his children are led away and she says nothing. )

Mar. 19th, 2012


Who: Loki, Frigga and Hnossa
What: Frigga comes home from work and is tired, emotional, and is greeted by two very high individuals.
Where: Their apartment
When: Tuesday afternoon

She was not very amused at all. )

Mar. 18th, 2012


Duplicates texts sent to Holt and Jack Carson. )


Shiva you have ONE new text message. )

Mar. 14th, 2012


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Voicemail left for Dani )

Text an hour later )


Who: Frigga, Loki, Hnossa and Kate
What: Frigga invites Kate over for brownies and discuss some options for Kate being her midwife.
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Their Park Avenue apartment

She nearly burned the first batch, her mind heavy with thoughts of Danielle still. )

Mar. 12th, 2012


Who: Emmylee and Dani (Later possibly Holt and Emmy)
What: Emmylee finds out Dani is in the hospital and comes as soon as possible to see her.
Where: NY Presbyterian E.R. and ICU
When: Monday around 11:30pm 3-12-12

She had never cared more for an unrelated mortal and to see Dani like this had Frigga's heart racing. )


Hnossa you have ONE new message. )

Loki you have ONE new message. )


Where Am I?

Who: Ciaran (Minerva) and Emmylee (Frigga)
What: Ciaran is lost
Where: Near Columbia University
When: Tuesday, March 12 around noon

Maybe this had been a bad idea... )


Holt Carson you have ONE new message. )

Mar. 9th, 2012


Who: Emmylee and Felix [Frigga and Loki]
What: Emmylee wants to talk to Felix about something and Frigga relinquishes control for once.
Where: Balcony of their apartment
When: Friday evening

If she was still there under Frigga it was difficult to say. )

Mar. 3rd, 2012


Who: Frigga and Raven
What: Frigga has had a few changes of late and Raven would be remiss if he didn't spot by for a visit.
Where: Maternity clothing store.
When: Sunday afternoon

You're positively glowing )


Loki you have ONE new message. )


Emmylee, you have ONE new text message )

Mar. 1st, 2012


Text to Emmy )

Feb. 28th, 2012


Who: Emmylee, Felix, and Dani [Frigga and Loki]
What: Emmylee and Frigga decide it's time for Dani to meet Loki, but Dani doesn't know she's having dinner with gods just yet.
Where: Masa Sushi and Hibachi Grill
When: Thursday, 10pm

It was no feast in the halls of Valhalla but it would do. )


Dani Karrigan you have ONE new message! )

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