June 2012

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April 2nd, 2012

[info]frigginserious in [info]themoderngods

Who: Frigga and Loki
What: Frigga comes home after seeing Odin
Where: Their apartment
When: Late Sunday night

She stood in the doorway cold and wet. )

[info]urban_wheat in [info]themoderngods

Who: Alice|Demeter and Jeremiah|Poseidon
What: Jeremiah is coming to watch TV and hang out
Where: Alice's apartment
When: Late Sunday night

Did this qualify as pathetic? Probably. )

[info]wellversed in [info]themoderngods

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Who: Holt and Molly (Bragi and Hebe)
When: Sunday, April 1, 2012 | late
Where: Molly's apartment
What: Holt has a lot to tell her.

Holt wouldn't even know where to start. )

[info]notaplanet in [info]themoderngods

Who: Eris and Hera.
Where: His flat.
What: Comforting.
When: Late Sunday evening.

you ... you are ... flash )

[info]loudmoaning in [info]themoderngods

Partying in Bean Town | Pt 1

Who: Sabrina/Amphitrite, Elisabetta Cavalli, etc. (Steve? Kris/Hel? Archer/Raven?)
What: Sabrina makes a new friend in Elisa and the two decide to go on an impromptu trip to Boston for the weekend to meet some musicians as only spoiled teenagers would.
Where: on the road from NYC to Boston
When: backdated to Friday night
Warnings: TBD - It's a party, so it may get raunchy. Who the hell knows?

tonight we’re going hard, just like the world is ours, we're tearing it apart )

[info]loudmoaning in [info]themoderngods

Partying in Bean Town | Pt 2

Who: Sabrina/Amphitrite, Elisabetta Cavalli, Sam/Apollo, etc. (Jimmy/Taliesin? Steve? Kris/Hel? Archer/Raven?)
What: Sabrina makes a new friend in Elisa and the two decide to go on an impromptu trip to Boston for the weekend to meet some musicians as only spoiled teenagers would.
Where: some hot Boston venue
When: backdated to later on Friday night
Warnings: TBD - It's a party, so it may get raunchy. Who the hell knows?

we'll be forever young, you know we're superstars, we are who we are )

[info]hnossa in [info]themoderngods

Who: J-S (Hnossa) & Oliver
When: Sunday, noon
What: J-S has an upset goddess in him.
Where: Oliver's apartment

J-S never thought Hnossa could affect his own mood so much )

[info]beautyandjoy in [info]themoderngods

Who: Poppy/Hathor and Wendy/Brigid
What: A meeting of minds.
Where: Leo Castelli Art Gallery
When: Monday afternoon.

[info]intolerans in [info]themoderngods

Who: Marceline and open
What: Marceline tries to break up a fight... and fails miserably.
Where: Brownsville
When: Monday, early afternoon

I want meaning from the back of my broken hand. )

[info]florarustica in [info]themoderngods

Who: Flora and Proserpina 
When: Monday afternoon.
What: Two old friends meet up.
Where: Central Park.

[info]_rube_ in [info]themoderngods

Monday, April 2, 2012

Who: Reed and Sabrina (Neptune and Amphitrite)
When: Monday evening
Where: a Starbucks at NYU
What: a meeting to discuss crazy gods and goddesses

Despite lecturing Neptune about how he was supposed to behave, Reed still didn't feel good about this meeting. )

[info]rosesosweet in [info]themoderngods

WHO: Rose and Mal (Muninn)
WHAT: Rose is finishing up some studying.
WHEN: Monday evening
WHERE: Starlight Diner

Humming beneath her breath, Rose hoped that she wasn't bothering anyone. )

[info]owl_goddess in [info]themoderngods

Reed you have ONE new text )
