June 2012

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March 17th, 2012

[info]notaplanet in [info]themoderngods

Who: Todd Whelan and open. [Eris and ...]
Where: NYC's streets, just outside of his flat!
What/When: St. Patrick's Day Parade.
Rating: PG-13 because it's Todd.

I know he'll wander the wild world over, in dear old Ireland he'll no longer tarry... )

[info]all_greektome in [info]themoderngods

Reed you have ONE new picture text message. )

[info]healingmagic in [info]themoderngods

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Who: Holt and Ash (Airmid and Bragi).
When: Saturday late night.
Where: NY Presbyterian, up near ICU.
What:Finding the upset doctor and asking about Zinny.

Ash had been working on the children's ward all day, and it had been busy enough she didn't really stop to take on the gossip flying around in the afternoon, but she did take in the news that Zinnia had been rushed to ICU by a doctor )

[info]all_greektome in [info]themoderngods

Abigail you have ONE new text message. )

[info]cbenharrison in [info]themoderngods

Friday, March 16, 2012

Who: Ben and Lucas (Cronus and Athena)
When: Friday evening
Where: Ben/Cronus' office
What: a meeting

Cronus had some suspicions about the identity of the god soul within Lucas, but he didn't want to assume just yet. )

[info]trickstergdloki in [info]themoderngods

Reed you have ONE new text )

[info]artsybarkeep in [info]themoderngods

Who: Steve, Juniper/Persphone, and OTA
Where: Club Midnight
When: Saturday Night, 3/17
Rating: Moderate, School talk eminent. SCHOOL!! The horror

At least he could get away with cheaper drinks on his round. )

[info]allthebeauty in [info]themoderngods

Text Message!

REED you have one new text message )
