December 29th, 2012

[info]hopechess in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Chess and Kay
When One flashback tag and Christmas Day
Where The Scott-Wilde home in a hospital bed
What Present Time - Lordship, Island, and Zombie Proof Homes
Warnings Some sad cuz Chess is injured from his shooting himself

And if you don't...well...I'm not above threatening and bribing angels with the murder of innocent lives to heal you )

[info]beobscene in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Jean-Auguste and Romeo
When Christmas Day
Where Jean's Batman Bedroom
What Not Christmas things. A talk. More struggling and refusal to be with Romeo, Jean breaking down about Chess and Kay and his father Jules being in Hell, blaming himself for everything.
Warnings Lots of struggle

You want to know why I fell in love with you? ...It's because you're not perfect, at least not in the sense that one would expect of an angel. You make mistakes just like everyone...just like me and you have your wings to prove perfectly broken angel remember? )

[info]svelosynco in [info]thegrand_ic

At the boy's home on volunteer day, Christmas Eve.