November 22nd, 2012

[info]beobscene in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Chess, Kay, Jean-Auguste, Caim, Contessa, Stacey, Romeo, Maria
Where Maria's House, Contessa's House, Caim's Boston Home
What What not? Chess's prank on Jean going bad. (meaning yes there are scenes I never did post) Romeo realizing he's not actually been Jean's boyfriend all along. Kay not knowing how to carve a turkey. Chess's new family feels get overwhelmed and just want to go home, gets his feelings hurt, and runs off to the haunted mansion out of spite. Kay having an all out -Professor-Trewlawney-Vision- and Jean running off to find Romeo who's in the middle of suddenly facing off with all powerful dark witch Contessa. Where Kay smart mouth get magically sewn shut and where Caim is summoned and offers help -but not without a price of course- Kay selling his soul to save Chess?
Warnings Language, Blood & Violence & near Death, Arguing.
Status Still in Progress

Was Chess worth it? In one fluid movement Kaydence Wilde signed his name on the dotted line and handed his soul to a demon. Yes. He was worth it and if it had been Jean-Auguste in that house and Chess standing beside him unable to get through Caim's barrier Kaydence would have done the exact same thing because that was love. That was family )

[info]glorifygluttony in [info]thegrand_ic