October 28th, 2012

[info]beobscene in [info]thegrand_ic

Side by Side Chats

Who Jean and Kay
What AIM
About His family issues, threats, angry stuff, arguing, then ignoring it happened, and plans for making a Haunted House

well aren't we just a bundle of joy )

Who Jean and Romeo
What AIM
About Talking about the same stuff as about, random venting.


[info]julesignacio in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Jules and Romeo
Chat brought on my Jean's convo with Romeo
What Plan canceling.

I might not be able to make it on Halloween )

[info]dadysprincess in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Stacey and Kay
What AIM
More about the Haunted House

you do whatever you like, cupcake )

[info]hopechess in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Chess and Kay
What AIM
About Thankgiving and setting up Jean and Memories

eyes all over the city remember, pumpkin? )