August 23rd, 2012

[info]mothridden in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Atlas and Papa J
Type AIM
When Dated: AFTER he got back from Hell with Evron
What A resigned Mothman's new plans
Warnings Language
Status Complete

Aww, what's that about? It's not so bad here )

Who Atlas and Jax
Type AIM
When Dated: AFTER he got back from Hell with Evron
What A resigned Mothman's new plans
Warnings Language
Status Complete

You can have a choice of places and I'll help you defile one of them. :3 )

[info]svelosynco in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Taj and Sasha
Type AIM
What Silly Bros
Warnings Language
Status Complete

Aw, Taj. That's what little Asian manicure parlors are for )