March 13th, 2012

[info]glorifygluttony in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Evron & Atlas & Ba'al
When March 13th
Where Evron's office then to the ZIM compound
What Atlas shows up to paint Evron's office and "pay up" on a deal, but Ba'al finally calls on Evron right when Evron was about to get paid back and Atlas says he doesn't do call backs - then on to Ba'al's summoning.
Warnings Adult Smexy turned disappointment / Language
Status In Progresso

Oh how he wanted to fall to the floor and scream like a five year old child )

[info]venetianblinds in [info]thegrand_ic

Private to Kareem )

[info]venetianblinds in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Caim & Abel
When After Andy and Caim spoke on AIM and twisted Caim's mind into goo making him feel like putting himself in a blender for stupidy of the mind
What AIM Chat
Warnings Language
Status Complete

What could they do to me, Caim? Honestly. I'm a corpse )

[info]venetianblinds in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Caim and Andy
Where The Toy Store in the Mall
When BEFORE all the Asmo stuff went down on March 13
What Jedi Battle
Warnings TBD
Status Not Complete

He held with him a glowing Darth Maul Light Saber at the ready and in his other hand held a glowing replica of Obi-Wan's Saber )