February 10th, 2012

[info]windfeather in [info]thegrand_ic

Who: Wind & Taku
Where: Their new apartment down the hall from Koko
What: Taku starting to change his mind about the trip with Iris
When: Feb 9th
Warnings: L, Insinuated Smex
Status: Complete enough maybe. lol

I just don't want to be the cause of your lonely )

[info]glorifygluttony in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Astarte/Astaroth & Ba'al
Where Astarte's room in the palace
What Delicate news and foreshadows of Hell's minds at work
When Feb 9th
Warnings None
Status Complete

what that might signify for all of Hell )

[info]julesignacio in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Jules and Jeremie
What AIM Chat about Samael
When Feb 10th
Warnings Language
Status Complete

One day when we live in heaven we'll feel silly for ever being afraid. )