January 20th, 2012

[info]grimdragon in [info]thegrand_ic

Hi I'm Minzy.

Virgina Beach has no cussing signs up.

There is also some dumb No Cussing Club.

I rarely cuss. I want everyone to know right now that I do NOT endorse either of the above things.

Fantastic Mr. Fox is cool. This is why I don't cuss. I am not trying to promote positivity. I want that clear.

Private to Fleece )

[info]windfeather in [info]thegrand_ic

Hi Boston! I just arrived. I totally road tripped my way here from down south. My name is Windfeather. Call me Wind for short. Its all on the cool.

Conversations starter time! I have two ultra importanta questions. Answer one or both and then ask me something back.

If you were God and wanted to create a strange hybrid creature (like a platypus) what would you create? Why do you think God created the platypus- was he smoking something from the Garden of Eden?


Who's smarter, dogs- who chase their tails and drink out of toilets - or cats- who lick themselves until they cough up furballs and chase shadows?

[info]venetianblinds in [info]thegrand_ic

The Fabulous Feathered Freak FelicianO has arrived. Boston will never be the same again.

I collect quotes. This is one of my favorites. "So far as I remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence." -Bertrand Russell-
Give me one your favorites?

[Private to Demons]

I think I'll play here for a while. Who's around?


Also a call out to Miss Minzy Mee. But anyone is welcome to participate battle me.

It's time to continue the tradition you and I originally created that the bandwagon jumped on. New town. New forum. Moving on with good times. In other words:


[info]eternallywanton in [info]thegrand_ic

Hey, everyone! My name is Alexandria, but you can call me Xandri if you'd like to. All my closest friends do, and I have a lot of those! Hoping to add more to that number as well! At the moment, I'm looking for work, though I'm not sure what I want to do yet. I suppose it is a good thing that my parents were a mixture of both caring and rich. I miss them, ya know? They were sweet people. . . :/ Oh, and now I'm all sad. Anyone wanna come and cheer me up? :D

[info]eternallywanton in [info]thegrand_ic

Rhys Ichisada here. Owner/manager of The Devil's Luck Casino and Lounge. Yes, I have no shame when it comes to advertising my business. It is one of those ways that a person finds to stay afloat in the economy of today. Anyway, we're always looking to hire more staff, so if you're a bartender, waiter/waitress, or have any skills with cards or know a thing or two about money or anything remotely akin to the profitable world of (legal) gambling, do stop by for a meeting with me and we'll see if we can't get you set up. I'm a very open minded employer, and if I have it my way, The Devil's Luck will be a very ordered three-ring circus when we're really on the ball. With that all out of the way, I suppose I should get to personal matters, yes?

I'm not sure what to say. I'm a guy? I'm also a single guy, but I'll not go in to making this sound like a personal's ad. I seem to find myself not at a loss for pleasurable company without the need for one. Anyway, tell me a bit about yourself. Always interested in meeting potential patrons.

[info]strcrowndserpnt in [info]thegrand_ic

Ah, Boston. So much different than New Orleans, and yet - one can't help but notice that there are similarities. Both are peopled with a blend of all the walks of life, and each has its stake in the history of this fine nation. Most wouldn't take these things in to account, would they? Or, perhaps I'm just stroking my own ego in the ability to notice what I'm not sure most other people do? Regardless, hello to you all. I am Takeshi Inagawa. I own the Celestial Realm Burlesque Hall. Real burlesque, too, mind. While there is an very wide edge of sensuality in the acts we stage, we don't allow what most people today consider burlesque. We're refined in that we seek to entertain the old notions of the word. That being said, we have nights dedicated to both Drag Queens and Kings, and that upon such nights - I do take the stage myself. Some of you may know me better as Hoshiko Orochi, and some of you may not know me at all. For those who do not, I beg the indulgence of allowing me to give you an education in myself. I also beg the indulgence that you will spare my establishment a visit. Now, all of that aside, I do have a very deep question to ask you all. . .

What is the most important thing in your life, and if it were taken away - suddenly and without any promise that it would be given back - how would you react?

[info]windfeather in [info]thegrand_ic

Who: Wind & Taku and Lily, Wind's dog.
Where: Taku's old apartment
What: Meeting Lily, Chatting about life, beast smex
When: Just before they left for Boston
Warnings: Language and shifter/animal form smex
Status: Complete

I jumped a rail with some hobo )

[info]darkgreed in [info]thegrand_ic

Hey Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine ya blow my mind Hey Mickey. If ya couldn't tell my name's Mickey. That'd be pretty sad if you couldn't tell though. But you know best place for you not feel sad if you didn't know is to go to the Hidden Agenda, I own it. Yeah be jealous, you know ya want to.

[info]bigblackpaws in [info]thegrand_ic


Osiyo, friends.

My name is Notaku but most folks just shorten it to Taku.
I'm a traveling man of sorts and you'll tend to see me around next to this crazy white kid who owns this really awesome van we hang out in.

I hail from North Carolina and go back home from time to time.
I'm a spiritual person if you get to know me- told I'm kinda friendly.

I suppose being new in this strange town means a tour guide wouldn't hurt, eh?
Or maybe someone out there who knows where I can get a really raw steak or a big slab of ribs to chew on. I'm practically a carnivore at this point!