Jan. 18th, 2010


Who: Christopher Stebbins and Lisa Turpin
What: Product shipment
When: Monday, January 18

The package contained the photos he'd taken at the bakery )

Jan. 2nd, 2010


Characters: Gabriel Bradley and Lisa Turpin
Where: Lurpin!
When: January 2, 2003, lunch time
Rating/Warning: TBD
Summary: Gabe eats cinnamon rolls while Lisa tries to hit him
Status: Closed, in progress.

She was small but scrappy eh? )

Dec. 31st, 2009


Characters: All Welcome
When: 12/31/02-01/01/03
Where: Le Boulangerie Lurpin!
Summary: Eating cake, protecting windows and generally causing havoc.

Who needs rock stars anyways.. )