Dec. 31st, 2009


Characters: All Welcome
When: 12/31/02-01/01/03
Where: Le Boulangerie Lurpin!
Summary: Eating cake, protecting windows and generally causing havoc.

Who needs rock stars anyways.. )



Characters: All welcome
When: 12/31/02-01/01/03
Where: The Leaky Cauldron.
Summary: Goodbye 2002! Hello 2003!

A proper party for a proper group of party goers )

Dec. 29th, 2009


Who: Gabe Bradley and Padma Patil
Where: Gabe's flat
When: After work, Tuesday the 29th
Rating/Warning: TBD, perhaps PG-13
Summary: Padma gives Gabe a massage
Status: Incomplete

It had felt like the longest day of the year. )

Dec. 28th, 2009


owl post

Owl to Alicia Spinnet )


Who: Mandy and Greg
Where: Hyde Park
When: Early Evening, December 28, 2002
Rating/Warning: Tbd, none anticipated
Summary: Mandy is on assignment and bumps into Greg and Dog
Status: Open, ongoing


RP: Drinks after work

Who: Megan, Cormac, open
Where: The Leaky
When: Early Evening, December 28, 2002
Rating/Warning: Tbd, none anticipated
Summary: Megan heads out for an after-work drink
Status: Open, ongoing, multiple-trees are fine

Quiet evenings were the best ... )


Prophet Quickies 12/28/02

December 28, 2002 )


Diagon Alley Flyers

Flyers scattered all over Diagon Alley )