Jan. 23rd, 2010


Characters: Gregory Goyle & Astoria Greengrass
Setting: Friday Afternoon. The Ministry Lobby.
Summary: Greg is flooing to the Ministry and accidentally trips on...something. In the process they drop their wand and another person passing kicks it practically all the way down the corridor. Astoria spots it and picks it up. When returning the wand to the proper owner Astoria is highly amused while Greg is exceptionally humiliated. What makes it worse is they have to take a lift together and one of them can't seem to stop talking.

Greg hated the Ministry. It was a given fact, something ingrained in him so deeply he didn't even really think about it. )

Jan. 20th, 2010


Characters: Terrence Higgs and Astoria Greengrass
Setting: Wednesday afternoon at the WWN.
Rating: PG.
Summary: Terrence meets Astoria at an odd job.

Video killed the radio star. )

Jan. 18th, 2010


Owl: Returns

Who: Astoria Greengrass and Madoc Calldawaller
What: Owl Post
When: Monday, January 18

No, this isn't a retail store )

Jan. 11th, 2010


Who: Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass
What: House warming
When: Monday evening
Where: Draco's flat
Status/Rating: incomplete/PG at most

Draco had finally finished unpacking.  It had taken him nearly a week but he had done it.  Even after two years he was trying to get used to not having House Elves though he was never put out enough to actually get one.  Besides, part of what he was trying to do was get his life together and to not rely on the things that his parents took for granted.

So here he was sorting the detrius of two years of never unpacking anything, just adding more boxes to the piles that would go home with him when he decided it was time to come back.  Now he was back though he still wasn't sure that he was ready.

Jan. 8th, 2010


Characters: Astoria Greengrass and OPEN
Where: Magpies/Falcons Quidditch match
When: January 8, 2003, game time
Summary: Astoria goes out to enjoy a Quidditch match
Status: Open to one and all

It's easy to get lost among a mass of fans )

Jan. 1st, 2010


Characters: Astoria Greengrass and Madoc Cadwallader
When: January 1, 2003
Where: All she knows is it's not her place.
Summary: The moringing after

There was obviously no thinking going on last evening )

Dec. 31st, 2009



Characters: All welcome
When: 12/31/02-01/01/03
Where: The Leaky Cauldron.
Summary: Goodbye 2002! Hello 2003!

A proper party for a proper group of party goers )