May 6th, 2018



WHO: Shigeo Tanaka and Marion Aubrey
WHAT: I. When they met // II. When they got tattooed. AKA we decided to try our hand at writing poetry.
WHEN: Late 1800s and late 1900s
WHERE: The First Transcontinental Railroad and a tattoo parlor.

a fellow vagabond, with roots cast too far. )



WHO: Nana Qaradaghi and Everett Walker, again.
WHERE: The Walker-Qaradaghi home.
WHEN: Mid-morning of Sunday, 6 May 2018.
WHAT: Right, about fifteen years ago. Apparently, a combination of pretending that things that happened in your twenties are still relevant in your thirties when it comes to inter-personal relationships, fifteen years' worth of pretending that you're Not Feeling Anything At All, and the aftermath of a traumatic event makes for a tinder fire of a personal encounter.
WARNINGS: R for what could very well be construed as graphic foreplay, frequent references to an erection, implied nudity, and general post-coitus chicanery. What we're trying to say is ya girl touched a pipis.

It is remarkable, how bold survival makes you. )



[Text to Eric - 11pm]

[1] Bit of a personal question.
[2] Has anybody tried to dig for change in your ass without consent lately?