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Sep. 5th, 2010


Who: Ted & Andromeda Tonks
When: Sunday, Sept. 5, afternoon
Where: The Tonks residence
What: An Afternoon to themselves
Rating: PG-13
Status: Log; COMPLETE

After all, it was just cruel to ask Molly to keep an eye on her at any time, and while Ted would have been more than happy to potentially ask someone else like Marlene or Hestia if something did arise, there were added...complications in that situation as well. Namely in Andromeda’s worries for Dora’s safety...even if Ted could still not wrap his mind around what was wrong with a werewolf when they weren’t...were’d. )

Sep. 3rd, 2010


RP Log: Flavia Primm, Sophie Lufkin & Ezra Goldstein

Who: Flavia Primm, Sophie Lufkin, Ezra Goldstein
When: Friday, 3 September 1980
Where: Warbeck Community Theatre, on High Street, Hogsmeade
What: Flavia introduces Sophie and Ezra.
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Imagine meeting you here... )

Sep. 2nd, 2010


owl to hestia jones

owl delivered to hestia jones at st mungo's )

Aug. 31st, 2010


Owl for Elladora Guffy

Owl to Elladora Guffy )


Who: Ezra Goldstein, Charity Burbage, Emmeline Vance
When: 31 August 1980
Where: Hogsmeade, Scotland
What: A protest in Hogsmeade!
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Best when people agree wi’ the sentiment, though. )

Aug. 29th, 2010


Posters in Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley, & other Wizarding Locales

Posters in Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley, & other Wizarding Locales )


Warlock at War; September 1980 Issue

Warlock at War

Letters, p. 12 )

"How the Arts Shape Society", p. 15

"The Great Literature of Traditional Magical Britain: A review of Criticism", p. 26

Muggle Music: Harmless or Harmful? ), p. 45

Aug. 28th, 2010


WHO: Benjy Fenwick and Emmeline Vance
WHERE: Muggle London
WHEN: Saturday evening, August 28th.
WHAT: A date.
Status/Rating: Completed Log, PG

Now all she needed was Benjy to come and it would be gotten over-- This inevitably incredible failure. )


A narrative.

Who: Oscar Connolly and his son.
When: 28 August 1980, late morning.
Where: Oscar's flat.
What: Oscar wakes up with a hang over. Things get worse.
Rating: PG-13
Status: Completed.

Read more... )

Aug. 27th, 2010


Evening Prophet; 27 August, 1980

Today in the Daily Prophet... )


Daily Prophet; Letters to the Editor; 27 August 1980.

Today in the Daily Prophet... )


owl to sophie lufkin

Owl to Sophie Lufkin )

Aug. 26th, 2010


Daily Prophet; Letters to the Editor; 26 August 1980.

Today in the Daily Prophet... )


rp log: ezra goldstein and edgar bones

Who: Ezra Goldstein, Edgar Bones
When: 26 August 1980
Where: Ezra’s flat, Rackharrow Run
What: Ezra and Edgar drink, catch up, and discuss gnomes.
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Ezra hadn’t bothered to unpack all of his belongings. )


Placeholder for Audrey and Ryland!


WHO: Peter Pettigrew & Lily Potter (with guest appearance by Harry Potter)
WHAT: Peter stops by to drop off a book and have a little chat only to find that James has rubbed off on Lily a little too much.
WHEN: 26 August; Mid-afternoon
WHERE: The Potter Place; Godric's Hallow

'Thought I’d bring you a copy so you didn’t have to brave the rush. Maybe check in to see how my favorite little man was adjusting to life in the big bad world. If you’ll put up with me for an hour or two, that is.' )


Placeholder for Remus and Sirius!

Aug. 25th, 2010


RP Log; Marlene McKinnon & John Dawlish

Who: John Dawlish & Marlene McKinnon
When: 23 August 1980; Evening (Slightly backdated!)
Where: Diagon Alley, mostly.
What: Date 3.5.
Rating: Low.

Had he completely misread her this entire time? If so, why had she stormed into the Department and told him off in front of everyone? )

Aug. 23rd, 2010


Daily Prophet: Letters to the Editor: 23 August 1980

Today in the Daily Prophet... )


RP Log: Augustus Rookwood & John Dawlish

Who: Augustus Rookwood and John Dawlish
When: Monday afternoon.
Where: Ministry of Magic - File room.
What: Augustus gets caught red-handed!
Rating: PG-13 - Some swearing!

Not very sporting of you, Rookwood. )

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September 2010



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