Jul. 25th, 2010


Known Identities within the Death Eater ranks.

Death Eaters & Death Eater Supporters, we're going to be asking you to do something similar as we are asking for Order & Order Supporters to do, however with a bit of a twist.

As referred to in the Death Eater documents, Death Eaters are aware of those within their training circle. Death Eaters outside of that training circle do not typically have awareness of others who also carry the mark. As we would rather not have any confusion about whom knows the identity of whom, we're asking you to reply to this entry so that it is able to be easily referenced. We'll put a tag on it and link to it on the Death Eater doc.

What we're asking for in this post is for all Death Eaters to reply with a new comment to this entry; one for each Death Eater. If you play a Death Eater character, put your character's name in the subject of the comment (comments are likely to collapse so this is best). If you play a character who would know that the Death Eater is a marked Death Eater, comment to that thread with your own character's name in the subject.

ETA: Inner Circle members know the identities of all of the other Inner Circle members. They also know the majority of the marked Outer Circle DEs as well.

Jul. 26th, 2010


Identity Status: Order

Hey, everyone!

As you all know, we've got a game that's perpetually growing and things pop up that need addressing. So, Order and Order supporters, listen up!

We realized that with Order supporters as an option, that identities of certain Order members would be known to those supporters (or possibly others, who aren't necessarily supportive). We just want to keep that information straight and able to be referenced. A tag will go on this entry, and we'll link to it on the Order doc for ease of locating it.

What we're asking for in this post is for all Order members to reply with a new comment to this entry; one for each Order member. If you play an Order character, put your character's name in the subject of the comment (comments are likely to collapse, so this is best). If you play a character who would know the Order member, comment to thread with your own character's name in the subject.