August 1st, 2010

[info]emmeline in [info]thebreach

Owl to the Longbottoms )


Owl to the Potters )

[info]rulestofollow in [info]thebreach

Duel Log; Edward Avery & Elle Abercrombie

Who: Elle Abercrombie & Edward Avery
When: 1:11pm
Where: Diagon Alley, outside Madame Primpernelle's
What: Dueling time!
Rating: Mid-range -- it's just a lot of fighting.
Status: Complete!

The girl wasn’t half bad, though they seldom were these days. )

[info]npcthebreach in [info]thebreach

Evening Prophet; 1 August 1980.

Today in the Daily Prophet... )

[info]jupitersmark in [info]thebreach

Duel Log; Ganymede Slinkhard and Jeremy Gibbon

Who: Jeremy Gibbon and Ganymede Slinkhard
When: August 1st, 1:11 pm
Where: Diagon Alley
What: Ganymede and Jeremy duel.
Rating: PG for comic violence
Status: In progress


[info]understudy in [info]thebreach

RP Log: Moody, Amelia, with Giles Henson and Voldemort

Who: Giles Henson, Voldemort, Alastor Moody & Amelia Bones
When: 1 August, 1980; 1:33-ish PM
Where: Knockturn Alley
What: Following this, Aurors respond.
Rating: Character death
Status: Complete

It wasn't just his imagination... )

[info]npcthebreach in [info]thebreach

RP narrative: Dumbledore & Voldemort

Who: Albus Dumbledore & Voldemort (plus one other)
When: 1 August, 1980; 1:30PM
Where: Knockturn Alley
What: A meeting that ends badly for one
Rating: Character death
Status: Complete

The dust and debris hung thick in the air... )

[info]somewhatshabby in [info]thebreach

RP Log: Remus & Lily

Who: Remus Lupin & Lily Potter
When: Sunday, August 1, evening after the attack
Where: The Potter home in Godric’s Hollow
What: Remus & Lily attempt to cope with the news of Dumbledore’s death.
Rating: Low!

‘Sometimes I think he saw things in us that we couldn’t, or still don’t see ourselves...’ )