Apr. 30th, 2010


→ the sorting: albus potter

Standing at the back of the hall, his hands tucked in his black robes, chin practically touching his chest -- he waited. His name fell smack in the middle of the alphabet, and he wasn’t really paying much attention. )

Mar. 27th, 2010


TEN FOR TEN: Julie Summers



In which Ollivander first took interest to Emory. )

Mar. 24th, 2010


→ TEN FOR TEN: Hugo Weasley

Hugo Weasley wanted to grow up to be exactly like his parents. So many of his peers did whatever they could to not become their mums or dads, but strove to. Through out his childhood he would often perch on the top step in their two-story home in Jericho. )

Mar. 23rd, 2010


THE PENSIEVE: Julie Summers

Julie had never been a fan of secrets )

Feb. 2nd, 2010


Meet the Family: Julie Summers

My world divided )


→ QUESTIONS: jason brennan

Read more... )


→ QUESTIONS: hugo weasley

the heart of matter. )

Jan. 30th, 2010


44 Questions: Julie Summers

Read between the lines. )


Seven Things: Julie Summers

Seven Things )

Jan. 29th, 2010


→ THE SORTING: jason brennan

Brennan was not afraid of some stupid old hat. All a hat could do is make him look silly for a moment and maybe obscure his vision too, but hardly do anything that he needed to worry about. )

Jan. 28th, 2010


44 Questions: Kelly Robins

Just get on with it already. )

Jan. 25th, 2010


→ MEET THE FAMILY: the brennans

As a general rule, Brennan never talks about his family. )


-- character development

Character Development Exercises
Here are some prompts to be used at will to help you develop your character, which should always be fun rather than a chore! So, feel free to respond to any of these and post them in [info]thebefore with the name of the prompt mentioned somewhere in the title of the post.

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The game begins February 7th.
Feel free to make use of [info]thesidelines & [info]thebefore until then!