The Quarantined: The Survivors

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The Quarantined: The Survivors



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June 9th, 2009

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Who: Carmen and Neil
What: Talking :O
Where: The roof
When: Tuesday
Rating: TBA
Status: Complete

Boom, baby. )

May 25th, 2009

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Who: Open to EVERYBODY.
What: baseball, baseball, discussing baseball, debating about baseball, obsessing over baseball, trash-talking about baseball, looting the concession stand for warm beer and stale candy, post-baseball-game partying
When: Memorial Day weekend
Where: the Safe Zone; Central Park; Heckscher Ballfield #2
Rating: TBD
Status: in progress
Notes: Forget what team you're on? Here's the roster. BTW Team Innes wins. Hey, that's the way the dice fell.

It was a sunny and gorgeous day, just as Charlie had announced on her radio program. Dave doubted that any of the adults were completely relaxed, but the mood was festive in spite of--or maybe because of--the armed guards keeping watch from the bleachers. Others patrolled the outskirts of the ball fields and the nearby playground. Even though his team had ultimately lost to 'team Innes', Dave felt that the day had been a resounding success. The kids had actually gotten to play baseball! And now some of them were gorging themselves on sodas and candy bars from the concession stand, he noted with a grin. Maybe the exercise they'd gotten would offset the inevitable sugar rush.

Dave's grin didn't diminish in the least as Rory strolled over. He raised a hand in greeting and waited for the inevitable heckling to commence.

May 22nd, 2009

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Who: Captain and Spider
Where: The New York Circus Arts Academy
Why: SPider wants circus stuff
When: 10:20 AM
Rated: The three R's.

The world we live in is a little like a Three Ring Circus )

May 18th, 2009

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WHO || Carmen Harper and Neil Bernhart
WHAT || a flailed apology
WHERE || the showers
WHEN ||  some time before breakfast
RATED || PG-13 (slight nudity, implications and bad language?)
STATUS || in-progress

May 12th, 2009

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Who: Chris and Neil!
What: Chocolate bribes and catching up.
Where: Chris' room
When: Tuesday evening
Rating: PG-13 probably :3 As always.
Status: In progress

Are you still a virgin? )

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Who: Greg and Neil
Where: The gym 8D
When: Tuesday afternoon
Rating: PG-13 because they'll probably start talking dirty, the little snots.

The star maker says, It ain't so bad. The dream maker's gonna make you mad The spaceman says, Everybody look down! Its all in your mind! )

May 3rd, 2009

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Who: Carmen and Neil
What: As demanded promised, a shooting lesson.
Where: The roof
When: Sunday afternoon
Rating: PG-13 for brief pantslessness, shooting, language, girl flailing. :3
Status: Complete

Are you under my spell yet? )

April 28th, 2009

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Who: Dave, Spider and Neil
What: See boys. See boys drink.
Where: Dave's abode
When: This very evening! After this.
Rating: PG-13 Just. Because.
Status: In progress

We'll lull him into compliance with Barry White and booze. )

April 20th, 2009

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WHO || Carmen Harper and Neil Bernhart
WHAT || the beginning of total awesomeness
WHERE || Compound cafeteria
WHEN || April 16th, lunchtime (fast forwarding, please don't slam me!)
STATUS || complete!

April 18th, 2009

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Who: Spider and Neil
What: A nightmare leading to a (not so)random act of deviltry >:]
Where: Room 189, then Room 188, then out of doors!
When: Tonight, when good young men should be asleep.
Rating: PG-13 for danger, intrigue, and talk of feminine underthings!
Status: Complete

Pull yourself together and get ready to plunder. We're getting into her drawers. )

April 6th, 2009

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Who: Neil Edward Bernhart, David Francis Maguire and Roderick Shaughnessy Teague
What: Fun with fruit cocktail. And then a food fight.
When: Lunchtime!
Where: The third floor dining hall, natch.
Rating: It's fruit cocktail; how high could it possibly go?
Status: Complete

Got no clue what the chicken pot pie is made of; Just know everything's doing fine down here in Lunch Lady Land )

March 14th, 2009

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Who: Greg, a puppy, and OPEN
What: Staring at the new pet
Where: One of the rooms at the compound
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating: Pg-13

Kitty on my foot and I want to touch it )

March 10th, 2009

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Who: Sam and Neil
What: Tending to wounds (kind of) promptly to avoid more angry women
When: Tuesday afternoon-ish?
Where: The infirmary, of course
Rating: PG-13. Neil curses too much
Status: In-progress

My foot fell asleep, the dog ate my homework, and oh yeah, I think I stabbed myself. )

March 9th, 2009

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Who: Dave and Neil
What: Drinking and subsequent shenanigans.
When: Monday evening
Where: Outside Dave's room, then the roof, then the stairs...they walk around. Yes.
Rating: PG...unless the priest has a mouth on him, which would be fun
Status: Complete

So a priest, a rabbi, and a zombie walk into a bar... )

March 3rd, 2009

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Who: Charlie and Neil
What: Drinking and smoking and general tomfoolery.
When: Late Monday, early Tuesday.
Where: At some super cool, badass table somewhere in the Salisbury.
Rating: PG-13 for language and the mention of sea shanties
Status: Completely awesome.

The zombies want your clothes, not to eat you! )

March 1st, 2009

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Who: Jessica, Open
What: Arrival at the compound
When: Morning of March 1st
Where: Outside the compound
Rating: PG-13 for some violence though not much
Status: Complete
Safety? )

February 24th, 2009

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Who: Neil Bernhart and Holly Price.
What: Introductions and chatting!
When: Tonight.
Where: One of the various hallways in the Salisbury!
Rating: tba.
Status: In Progress.

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February 22nd, 2009

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Who: Reeve and Neil
What: Neil meets Reeve and does not get slugged.
When: Late, late Saturday.
Where: Around the lobby.
Rating: PG-13 for naughty language. Since handshakes =/= handjobs XP
Status: Complete

Real men wander aimlessly. )

February 16th, 2009

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Who: Neil and Innes
What: Target practice
Where: Lobby, then along the perimeter
When: Bright, cheerful Monday
Rating: TBD
Status: In-progress

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