Apr. 1st, 2012


Who: Lavender Brown & OTA
What: On a busy, hot afternoon, Character X and Character Y have to share a table at Florean Fortescue's.
Where: Forescue's, Diagon Alley
When: Sunday afternoon

Florean Flortescue's was buzzing with activity, including several young families that were enjoying the sunshine. )

Mar. 21st, 2012


Who: John Dawlish and Rosalind Bungs
What: firewhiskey + an upset woman who wants but does not have babies
When: Tuesday night
Where: Rosalind's flat
Warnings: As previously mentioned, alcohol + emotions. Proceed with caution.

There were really only two ways this could go, and both looked promising. )

Feb. 28th, 2012


Where: Rosalind's flat.
When: Evening, 28th of February
What: There are lot of things to discuss. None of them are especially nice.
Warnings: There's likely to be yelling and things thrown?

Feb. 21st, 2012


Who: Rosalind and Roger
When: Backdated, February the 20th
Where: Outside a magical night club, London.
What: Rosalind and Roger, both too tipsy to apparate home, end up on the Knight Bus together.
Rating: Depends on who joins her, really.

Feb. 6th, 2012


Who: Rosalind Bungs and Theodore Nott
Where: Mrs. Bungs’ desk at the International Magical Office of Law
What: Nott has an interview with Mrs. Bungs
When: 6/2/2006, Noon.
Rating: Probably low.

Interview )

Feb. 2nd, 2012


Who: Rosalind Bungs and John Dawlish
What: A floo connection problem accidentally puts Rosalind in Character Y's home.
When: February 2nd, late at night.
Where: The home of person Dawlish
Warnings: Well, that depends whose house it is?
Status: Incomplete

Jan. 31st, 2012


Who: Rosalind and Mary
What: Lunch is more fun with company.
When: Tuesday 31rd, at noon
Where: Swirls
Warnings: None
Status: Incomplete

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