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Feb. 18th, 2012


Owl to Adrian Pucey )

Feb. 6th, 2012


Who: Megan Jones and Lee Jordan
What: Character X is being pursued by someone annoyingly persistent at a bar/club and decides to pretend Megan is their significant other. Megan plays along.
When: Monday night
Where: Local pub
Rating: Average

It had been another long day at work. )

Nov. 17th, 2011


OTA: Lavender & ???

Who: Lavender Brown, OTA
What: Character X and Y have an awkward encounter when they run into each other in an Adult store.
Where: Diagon Alley-ish area
When: Thursday evening
Rating: PG-13?

There were some things that one could buy discreetly by owl order, but sometimes you just needed to go in person and actually look at the merchandise. )

Oct. 29th, 2011


Who: All Characters
Where: Harford's Theatre
What: The Ministry's Annual Masquerade Ball
When: Sunday evening
Status: Incomplete
Rating: TBD


Oct. 25th, 2011


Who: Justin Finch-Fletchley and Megan Jones
What: Suddenly, there was an eloping
Where: Justin's Apartment
When: Tuesday night

A sudden change in the group dynamic? )

Oct. 14th, 2011


Who: All Characters
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
What: Hannah and Neville might be Death Eaters, but who isn't these days?
When: Friday Evening
Status: Incomplete
Rating: TBD


Sep. 10th, 2011


who: Zacharias and Megan
what: dinner! not-drunk Zachaboo!
where: a pub. or diner. diner is probably better. Johnny's it is! No alcohol!
when: Saturday dinner

there was no alcohol on the menu )

Aug. 13th, 2011


Who: Justin Finch-Fletchley & Megan Jones
Where: Club Karma, Dover and Beyond
What: An Adventure!
When: Saturday, August 13th

We're only a couple miles away and we never stop in to say hello. )

Aug. 7th, 2011


Owl to Megan Jones )

Aug. 5th, 2011


Who: Lavender Brown, Megan Jones, OPEN
What: Friday night at the pub
Where: Leaky Cauldron
When: Er, Friday evening

Complaining that you're late and then spending another ten minutes finishing your drink really isn't going to get you there any faster... )

Jul. 24th, 2011


Who: All Characters
Where: Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour in Diagon Alley
What: Grand Re-Opening
When: 10-10, 24 July 2005
Status: Incomplete
Rating: TBD

Dude, it's ice cream. It's not that complicated. )

Jul. 18th, 2011


Who: All Characters
Where: Hogsmeade
What: Hengist Day
When: All day, 18 July 2005
Status: Incomplete
Rating: TBD

wholesome fun for the whole family - unless your family is full of giants, in which case you'll be ritually slain in celebration )

Jul. 11th, 2011


Whonow? Megan and Zacharias
Whatnow? Hufflepuff done RIGHT
Wherenow? Zacharias' home in Aberdeenshire
Whennow? yes, now!
Rating? Probably, they plan on getting drunk.

He could whistle 'do your ears hang low' backwards, but that didn't seem nearly all that impressive when he was sober. )

Jul. 2nd, 2011


Who: Justin Finch-Fletchley and Megan Jones
What: Justin wants to catch up with Megan
Where: The World's End
When: 1st July, 8pm
Rating: PG-13 (language?)

Anyone can lie sober... )

May. 16th, 2011


Who: Megan Jones
What: A phone call
Where: Megan's flat in Wales
When: Tuesday morning, very early

It was so unfamiliar, she barely recognized it at first. )

May. 2nd, 2011


Who: All Characters
Where: Hogsmeade
What: Victory Day Celebrations
When: All day, 2 May 2005
Status: Incomplete
Rating: TBD

All hail the conquering heroes. )

Apr. 27th, 2011


Who: Cormac and Open
When: April 27, evening
Where: The Fiddler's Bow
What: Cormac is plotting? Sort of. Not really.
Rating: tbd, Cormac's got a mouth on him so just be warned.

Boys will be boys )

Apr. 17th, 2011


Who: Padma Patil and Megan Jones
Where: the A-Z shop that is monstrous and too impersonal for Padma
When: around 11am on Sunday
Why: Padma needs things and this was the best place to go.
Rating: low.

Padma had never shopped for a baby shower before )

Apr. 5th, 2011


Who: Megan Jones
What: Returning to work
Where: Ministry of Magic
When: Monday (Backdated)

If the old wives’ tale was true, Megan’s ears were on fire right now. )

Apr. 2nd, 2011


Who: Megan Jones and Zacharias Smith (Rosmerta can pop in)
What: Drinks and Conversation
Where: Three Broomsticks, Hogsmeade
When: Saturday Evening

After the week she had, a night out was just the ticket. )

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