February 15th, 2012

[info]knowhow in [info]the_8th_floor

A need, at times, of each for each

Who: Kevin and Mandy
What: Love is in the... chocolate
When: Tuesday after work
Where: Mandy's place
Warnings: Hilariously awkward Kevin?
Status: Threaded; incomplete

OOC: Sorry for the repost. Apparently I managed to post this to Kev's journal the first time, instead of the community.

Kevin was pleasantly surprised )

[info]chasing_puce in [info]the_8th_floor

Who: Adrian Pucey and Gwen Montgomery
What: Adrian eats a box of chocolates and falls in love with Ginny Potter!
When: February 14th
Where: Diagon Alley & the Harpies/Arrows game
Rating: PG
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Something in the way she moves )

[info]pawnography in [info]the_8th_floor

Sent to Gwendolyn Montgomery )

[info]halfbloodhero in [info]the_8th_floor

Who: Harry & Lee (& possibly Ginny later)
What: a visit!
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Potter house.
Warnings: love potion jealousy stuff, everything else TBD.
Status: Threaded; incomplete

... )

[info]hiseviltwin in [info]the_8th_floor

Who: George and Lee
When: Wednesday evening
Where: George's Lee's flat
Warnings: Swearing very likely

Say, you all didn't happen to do a bunch of drugs, did ya? )