April 26th, 2011

[info]nevillelongbott in [info]the_8th_floor

RP: Neville & OTA

Who: Neville & OTA
When: April 26, early evening
Where: Unknown flat
What: A floo connection problem accidentally puts Character X in Character Y's home.
Rating: Probably SFW

Escaping )

[info]coppertongue in [info]the_8th_floor

Owl to Cormac McLaggen

Peep! Peep! )

[info]deprecation in [info]the_8th_floor

Who: Anthony Goldstein and Susan Bones
When: April 26, late afternoon
Where: Ministry Lift
What: Making a delivery
Rating: Low

No matter how many times he visited, Anthony always managed to get lost. )

[info]godchaser in [info]the_8th_floor

Who: Zacharias and OTA
What: Characters X and Y are both in a shop while it is being held up.
Where: Once A Pawn A Time, Hogsmeade
When: Wednesday afternoon
Rating: Zacharias might swear, but otherwise fairly low.

take the gun. leave the cannoli. )