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Feb. 2nd, 2011


Sign-Ups Post: Stars Blaze Brightly.

We are here for the Thirtieth round of T-31 And Counting....Bang!

To sign-up, please select a prompt from those listed here. Reply with the prompt, your pen name, and IJ handle to this post. Once approved, you can begin writing immediately. You have until Midnight Saturday, February 5th, 2011 to sign-up.

Important: Please take only those prompts you believe you can finish before the deadline of February 24th, 2011. The minimum number of words to qualify as finished is 5000. Do not post stories any where until February 25th. After that date, please post a copy here to this asylum and any where else you want.

# Fandoms )

A Fandoms )

B Fandoms )

C Fandoms )

D Fandoms )

H Fandoms )

I Fandoms )

J Fandoms )

K Fandoms )

M Fandoms )

N Fandoms )

P Fandoms )

S Fandoms )

T Fandoms )

W Fandoms )

RPS Fandom )

Non-Fandom-Specific )

FYI: 00. signifies this is a crossover and is listed multiple times.

If you have prompts/fandoms you would like to add, I will open up the next prompt submission round on February 20th.

Thank you and good luck!

Jan. 26th, 2011


Prompt Submissions Start Here

Welcome to round 30. Prompts begin January 26th and last until February 1st.

There is no limit to how many prompts you may post. Any fandom, any pairing will be accepted.

What is not accepted: Chan (Sex Underage of 15), Scat, Urine Play, or Script Format.

All prompts will be screened. Midnight, February 2nd, all prompts on this post will be gathered in one post for sign-ups.

Jan. 19th, 2011


T-31: Other Big Bangs

Here is a listing of other Big Bangs that I have recently come across in the past several hours. These are on LiveJournal. If you know of others anywhere, please feel free to respond with their links.

Starsky And Hutch Big Bang
Think back to a simpler time. Back when two guys couldn't be gay, no matter how many times they eye-fucked each other. When partners were secretly fuc...

Hawaii Big Bang
Nah, nah, nah, nah, naaaah, naaah, nah, nah, nah, nah, naaaaah. It's back, and it's hanging ten, twenty-ten.

Cockbert Big Bang
Another big bang for that shrill, screeching, screaming instead of singing American Idiot reject Lambert.

Jent Big Bang
Johnny Entertainment. Really? South Korea, you are hereby officially put on my 'on notice' board. One more stupid name and I am dropping you to 'Holly Wood' status.

Before & After Supernatural Big Bang
Why didn't they just call it "Supernatural: The Phantom Menace?" Oh, right, because this one has the potential of actually being good.

Supernatural Gen Big Bang
Might as well keep your legs crossed, these people aren't putting out.

Crowley Big Bang
He wasn't smart enough or talented enough to secure his reign in hell, so, he'll just have to settle for this consolation prize.


Jan. 11th, 2011


T-20 Days Until Celestial Bridges Close.

There are now twenty days to write your fics. Now is the time to start them.

Good luck and thank you.

Jan. 10th, 2011


T-11 Hours Until Signals Flash Warning.

There are now eleven hours left to signup for the current round. If you wish to participate, now is the time to pick a prompt.

Thank you.


T-31: Other Big Bangs

Here is a listing of other Big Bangs that I have recently come across in the past several hours. These are on LiveJournal or Dreamwidth. If you know of others anywhere, please feel free to respond with their links.

One Piece Big Bang
One piece Ali Baba and The 40 Thieves. One piece Treasure Island. One piece Pirates of Dark Water. And it has it's own Big Bang!

Inception Reverse Big Bang
Maybe this Big Bang will help it sound less convoluted and actually make sense. Or it can just be a bunch of pretty characters in lovely graphics.

Case Story Big Bang
It was a challenge with great stories that went on forever, its fanart left many speechless, longing for another glimpse in a cold world bereft of color. For a big bang, it had everything an average Jo like me could want.


Jan. 8th, 2011


Sign-Ups Post: Sounding The Death Knell.

We are here for the twenty-ninth round of T-31 And Counting....Bang! I apologize for the lateness of this posting, sleep did not come easy last night.

To sign-up, please select a prompt from those listed here. Reply with the prompt, your pen name, and IJ handle to this post. Once approved, you can begin writing immediately. You have until Midnight Tuesday, January 11th, 2011 to sign-up.

Important: Please take only those prompts you believe you can finish before the deadline of January 30th, 2011. The minimum number of words to qualify as finished is 5000. Do not post stories any where until January 31st. After that date, please post a copy here to this asylum and any where else you want.

# Fandoms )

A Fandoms )

B Fandoms )

C Fandoms )

D Fandoms )

H Fandoms )

I Fandoms )

K Fandoms )

M Fandoms )

N Fandoms )

P Fandoms )

S Fandoms )

T Fandoms )

W Fandoms )

RPS Fandom )

Non-Fandom-Specific )

FYI: 00. signifies this is a crossover and is listed multiple times.

If you have prompts/fandoms you would like to add, I will open up the next prompt submission round on January 26th.

Thank you and good luck!

Jan. 3rd, 2011


T-31: Other Big Bangs

Here is a listing of other Big Bangs that I have recently come across in the past several hours. These are on LiveJournal. If you know of others anywhere, please feel free to respond with their links.

Harry Het Big Bang
Because the minority heterosexual pairings in the fandom have had enough of being marginalized by the HPS majority.

Remus & Sirius Big Bang
A couple hairy bitches with monthly issues. What's not to love?

Weasley Family Big Bang
Sorry, the dark lord has already been through here. Try not picking the wrong side next time.

Legend Of The Seeker Big Bang
The quest maybe over, and so might the challenge, but the big bang lives on!

Zombig mini-Big Bang
Sweet Zombie Jesus! It's a mini-big bang for zombies! Quick, everyone walk fast to avoid being eaten.

Naruto Big Bang II
Why, yes, there is another Naruto Big Bang, how did you know?

K-Pop OT3 Big Bang
*Headdesk* I give up. At this point, the Korean band fangirls are just makin' this shit up.

Patrik and Pete mini-Big Bang
Lookout, Radioactive Man! It's Fallout Boy and he's...well, that's something you won't see any comic book regulated by the CCA.

Harry/Draco Big Bang: Erised
Someone must have left a horcrux for this big bang, because it's come back from the dead.

Big Bang Italia
Hmm, how can I tell you about this and make it racist at the same time? It's a spicy guido big bang!

Kradam Reverse Big Bang
Our Idol, Who art in LiveJournal, aloe'ed be thy fingers. Thy fic come, thy posting be done.

Nuke Big Bang
Noah and Luke made television soap opera history. Two gay guys who liked each other, went on several dates, kissed a couple times...then sat around watching Jeopardy instead of having sex. Because gays do that all the time. Trufax!


Jan. 1st, 2011


Prompt Submissions Start Here

Welcome to round 29. Prompts begin January 1st and last until January 7th.

There is no limit to how many prompts you may post. Any fandom, any pairing will be accepted.

What is not accepted: Chan (Sex Underage of 15), Scat, Urine Play, or Script Format.

All prompts will be screened. Midnight, January 8th, all prompts on this post will be gathered in one post for sign-ups.

Dec. 1st, 2010


T-31: December Hiatus Amnesty Challenge

For the next 31 days we are going into cold storage. The challenge has gone into hibernation mode these last few rounds and it's high time something was done about it.

So, here's what we're gonna do about it:

You signed up for a prompt in the past but never finished it? You saw a prompt but never got around to signing up for it? Well, here's your chance at redemption. Finish a prompt in the next 31 days and post it here. Standard length rules apply, but no need to sign up. Just write it and post it.

Nov. 21st, 2010


T-10 Days Until Computers Enslave Humanity

There are now ten days left to write your fics. Now is the time to finish them.

Thank you and good luck.

Nov. 16th, 2010


T-31: Other Big Bangs

Here is a listing of other Big Bangs that I have recently come across in the past several hours. These are on LiveJournal. If you know of others anywhere, please feel free to respond with their links.

Left 4 Dead Big Bang
Based upon the video game, Zombies kick ass, then eat it. Yummy, glute..ous maximus.

Resident Evil Big Bang
The virus has finally cleansed the world and this big bang is no more.



T-15 Days Until Earth Crumbles

There is now fifteen days left to write your fics. If you have not started them, now is the time. If you already have, congratulations.

Thank you and good luck.

Nov. 11th, 2010


T-20 Days Until Long Range Shelling Begins!

There are now twenty days to write your fics. Now is the time to begin.

Thank you and good luck.

Nov. 8th, 2010


Sign-Ups Post: Blasting Clear The Built Up Debris!

We are here for the twenty-eighth round of T-31 And Counting....Bang!

To sign-up, please select a prompt from those listed here. Reply with the prompt, your pen name, and IJ handle to this post. Once approved, you can begin writing immediately. You have until Midnight Thursday, November 11th, 2010 to sign-up.

Important: Please take only those prompts you believe you can finish before the deadline of November 30th, 2010. The minimum number of words to qualify as finished is 5000. Do not post stories any where until December 1st. After that date, please post a copy here to this asylum and any where else you want.

# Fandoms )

A Fandoms )

B Fandoms )

C Fandoms )

D Fandoms )

H Fandoms )

I Fandoms )

K Fandoms )

M Fandoms )

N Fandoms )

P Fandoms )

S Fandoms )

T Fandoms )

W Fandoms )

RPS Fandom )

FYI: 00. signifies this is a crossover and is listed multiple times.

If you have prompts/fandoms you would like to add, I will open up the next prompt submission round on November 26th.

Thank you and good luck!

Nov. 6th, 2010


T-31: Other Big Bangs

Here is a listing of other Big Bangs that I have recently come across in the past several hours. These are on LiveJournal. If you know of others anywhere, please feel free to respond with their links.

Horror Big Bang
Put your diaper on, this one will scare the shit out of you...if they get the rest of their stories posted.

Banked Flame Big Bang
A Zuko/Mai big bang for Avatar: The Last Air Bender. What, no smartass comment?

TR Big Bang
Turkish Big Bang. Is like Western Big Bang, but only hairier.

Muse Big Bang
It's says it's about violent Muses. Personally, I prefer mine whispery in togas holding lyres.

Johnny's Entertainment Big Bang
Korean Pop, I think. It makes no sense other wise.

Black Jewels Big Bang
It's a fantasy, clearly. Cause, if you even tried to read the synopsis, you'd roll your eyes and say 'yeah, right!'

Wizards Big Bang
Too late, Morgana already locked this one in a crystal for all eternity.


Oct. 22nd, 2010


T-31: Other Big Bangs

Here is a listing of other Big Bangs that I have recently come across in the past several hours. These are on Live Journal or Dreamwidth. If you know of others anywhere, please feel free to respond with their links.

Gabriel Big Bang
No, bitch, it's not a trick. They resurrected his jerk ass long enough to write some long fic staring him.

Killjoys Big Bang
Congratulations, you've stumped me. Killroy was here? Two birds with one stone? I have no...


Oct. 15th, 2010


Sign-Ups Post: Let The Winds Sweep The Path Clear!

We are here for the twenty-seventh round of T-31 And Counting....Bang!

To sign-up, please select a prompt from those listed here. Reply with the prompt, your pen name, and IJ handle to this post. Once approved, you can begin writing immediately. You have until Midnight Monday, October 18th, 2010 to sign-up.

Important: Please take only those prompts you believe you can finish before the deadline of November 6th, 2010. The minimum number of words to qualify as finished is 5000. Do not post stories any where until November 7th. After that date, please post a copy here to this asylum and any where else you want.

# Fandoms )

A Fandoms )

B Fandoms )

C Fandoms )

D Fandoms )

H Fandoms )

I Fandoms )

K Fandoms )

M Fandoms )

N Fandoms )

S Fandoms )

T Fandoms )

W Fandoms )

FYI: 00. signifies this is a crossover and is listed multiple times.

If you have prompts/fandoms you would like to add, I will open up the next prompt submission round on November 1st.

Thank you and good luck!

Oct. 11th, 2010


T-31: The Next Round.

The next round will begin in a few days. In the mean while, the prompts post is still open. Feel free to submit your prompts.

Thank you.

Oct. 7th, 2010


T-31: It's Post Time

Now is the time to post your fic.

Thank you.

Oct. 5th, 2010


T-48 Hours Until All Matter Collapses In Density

There are now twenty-four forty-eight hours left in which to write your fics. Now is the time to put on the finishing touches.

Thank you and good luck.

Oct. 4th, 2010


T-31: Other Big Bangs

Here is a listing of other Big Bangs that I have recently come across in the past several hours. These are all on Live Journal. If you know of others anywhere, please feel free to respond with their links.

Crack: Mpreg Big Bang
Yo soy espanola? No? Que bien! Es mucho grande explosión!!!!

Pros Big Bang Challenge
They work for a secret government agency for the protection of the UK. If you found out any more, they would have to kill you.

The Losers mini-Big Bang
Based on the movie, a bunch of losers get together to write about a bunch of losers in really short fics. Or, I could be entirely off on this one.

Pretty Little Liars Big Bang
Pretty white people with problems, reduxed to death. No redeeming qualities WSE! It's worse than gossip girl. I can't believe she said that! OMG LOL

Merlin Big Bang: Russkie Edition
No bad accents needed, but if you use magic, Yakoff Smirnoff appears in your mirror to taunt you. In soviet russia, big stories bang you! EhHA haha!


Oct. 2nd, 2010


T-5 Days Until Storms Sweep The Lands

There are now five days left in which to write your fics. Now is the time to finish them.

Thank you and good luck.

Oct. 1st, 2010


Prompt Submissions Start Here

Welcome to round 27. Prompts begin October 1st and last until October 7th.

There is no limit to how many prompts you may post. Any fandom, any pairing will be accepted.

What is not accepted: Chan (Sex Underage of 15), Scat, Urine Play, or Script Format.

All prompts will be screened. Midnight, October 8th, all prompts on this post will be gathered in one post for sign-ups.

Sep. 27th, 2010


T-10 Days Until The Vacuum Swallows The Voice.

There are now ten days left to write your fics. Now is the time to start them if you have not. If you already have, congratulations.

Thank you and good luck.

Sep. 22nd, 2010


T-15 Days Until Stars Envelope The World.

There are now fifteen days left in which to write your fics. Now is the time to begin them if you already have not.

Thank you and good luck.

Sep. 17th, 2010


T-20 Days Until Crows Cry The Dusk.

There are now twenty days in which to write your fics. Now is the time to start them.

Thank you and good luck.

Sep. 16th, 2010


T-23 Hours Left Until Fire Cleanses The Night.

There are twenty-three hours left to sign-up for the next round. If you want to try your hand, now is the time to sign up.

Thank you.

Sep. 14th, 2010


Sign-Ups Post: Tidal Eddies Will Soon Devour.

We are here for the twenty-sixth round of T-31 And Counting....Bang!

To sign-up, please select a prompt from those listed here. Reply with the prompt, your pen name, and IJ handle to this post. Once approved, you can begin writing immediately. You have until Midnight Friday, September 17th, 2010 to sign-up.

Important: Please take only those prompts you believe you can finish before the deadline of October 6th, 2010. The minimum number of words to qualify as finished is 5000. Do not post stories any where until October 7th. After that date, please post a copy here to this asylum and any where else you want.

# Fandoms )

A Fandoms )

B Fandoms )

C Fandoms )

D Fandoms )

H Fandoms )

I Fandoms )

K Fandoms )

M Fandoms )

N Fandoms )

S Fandoms )

T Fandoms )

W Fandoms )

FYI: 00. signifies this is a crossover and is listed multiple times.

If you have prompts/fandoms you would like to add, I will open up the next prompt submission round on October 1st.

Thank you and good luck!

Sep. 13th, 2010


T-31: The Next Round.

The Prompts Post will remain unlocked for the next 5 hours to give everyone another chance to add prompts. At Midnight, I will post a the sign-ups post for the next round.

Thank you and happy prompting.

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