March 8th, 2012

[info]i_want_2 in [info]t_31_bang

T-31: Tides Washed Away The Shore.

Greetings and welcome to the next round of T-31 Days And Counting....Bang!

This time we're going to try something different. There will be no prompts from which to choose. Instead, you will signup for this round with a plot of your own choosing in any fandom you want.

We will keep to the thirty-one day schedule. Without the week of prompting, there are now 27 days in which to write your stories. The minimum length is still the same, 5000 words.

So, here we go:

Starting today at midnight, 34 minutes ago, you will have 3 days in which to reply to this post with your screen name, pen name, and if you've chosen already, the fandom/plot of your story. The last part is optional.

The new format will look pretty much like the old one:

Screen Name: [info]i_want_2
Pen Name: Lopaka Tanu
Fandom/Plot: X-Men First Class - Parallel Universe. The events of the movie never happened, but our characters still exist. Hank tested on himself with Raven's DNA after she was caught by the CIA and is slowly turning into Beast. Alex is a hippie coming off the summer of love and is looking to make a life for himself with others in the Wilderness. Charles is collecting mutants, but because of an accident, he sends his sister out with their hired man, Erik, to find them.

Signups close in 3 days, or Midnight, Sunday Morning. After that, you will have 27 days in which to write your fics. Please do not post them anywhere until the 28th day aka, the 31st day of the challenge. Posting will be on April 7th.

Thank you and good luck.