September 12th, 2011

[info]i_want_2 in [info]t_31_bang

T-31: Other Big Bangs

Here is a listing of other Big Bangs that I have recently come across in the past several hours. These are on LiveJournal and independent websites. If you know of others anywhere, please feel free to respond with their links.

Mentalist Big Bang
Really? They should rename it 'So, you think you can imitate a psych..ic.'

A Song Of Ice And Fire Big Bang
The title's almost as long as the wait between books. Good luck surviving this one, young author.

Psych Big Bang
Let me get this straight. You mean no one has figured out that he's a fake yet? Really, now.

Supernatural Slackers Big Bang
Just in case you needed a little more time to write your fic...Oh, who gives a damn! It's just a fic. You'll do it in the morning.

Love Bites Big Bang
Another big bang about vampires. What is this? You stake one and three more spring up in its place.

Witches Big Bang
The rare resurrection. This one pulled a Mantonia ala True Blood and came back from the dead.

Small Fandoms Big Bang
Here's another that's trying the ole Statue of Liberty play.

Big Bang de Harry Potter
¿Qué? Usted es Harry Potter? ¡No! Yo soy el señor Harry Potter!

Kingdom Hearts Big Bang
Off with her head! ...not the right fandom? .... Who cares! Off with her head!

Beast/B2ST mini-Big Bang
Why, KPOP, why? Is your own language not expressive enough? Why must you follow the american boyband mold?

Cartoon Big Bang
Time to get animated. You like flashy-color-filled programs about highly improbably situations, this is for you!

Doctor Who Reverse Big Bang
Talk about putting the art before the horse. Did you see what I did there? I made a play on words. You got it but it still wasn't funny? Oh, dear. No matter, we've still got the rest of the universe to explore.

Suits Big Bang
Got a license to practice law? No? Who gives a damn! You're a character on a TV show!

Femme Slash Big Bang
Kneel before the mighty Femme-puter! All manbots will be deleted!

SPN SheBang
An all inclusive big and mini-big bang community. Don't ask, I'm not sure either.

Supernatural Kinky mini-Big Bang
So, it's come to this, has it?

Glee Bang
Everyone shags everyone, but because this is glee, they also sing about it. RPF and FPF, but no SPF.

Gray's Anatomy Big Bang Challenge
Apparently they hosted a big bang challenge on this one community and forgot to tell everyone about it. By everyone, I mean slashers. Just because he's not on the show anymore, doesn't mean George no longer needs Alex to... Uh... Yeah. Off with her head!

Kurtofsky REVERSE Bang
Apparently, I originally misread it. It's not about Krusty the Clown. Sorry for getting your hopes up.

Hurt/Comfort Big Bang
Does author have to choke a bitch? Yes, author must choke a bitch. Then pet said bitch afterwards.
