August 28th, 2010

[info]i_want_2 in [info]t_31_bang

T-15 Days Until Cover Is Blown!

There are now fifteen days in which to write your fic. If you have not started it, now is the time. If already have, congratulations.

Thank you and good luck!

[info]i_want_2 in [info]t_31_bang

T-31: Other Big Bangs

Here is a listing of other Big Bangs that I have recently come across in the past several hours. These are all on Live Journal. If you know of others anywhere, please feel free to respond with their links.

Alice In Wonderland Big Bang
You've eaten the bread, now your fic is about to grow! Psst! Just don't drink the kool-aid.

The Lambliff Big Bang
Crossdressing? Glitter? Glam whores? Too late, David Bowie already did it.

Full Metal Alchemist Big Bang
Ah, the old retread. Too late, fellas, someone's already beat you to this one!

Robin Hood BBC Big Bang
Again and again, until you get it right! Robbing the ficlet comms to give to the long, another RH Big Bang.

Lucius Big Bang
Am I the only one who wants to write Luscious when I see his name? HP villain, maybe he's born with it, maybe it's Maybelline!

Ron Big Bang
Move over, Harry, time for your mate to shine. It's all about Ron now! Avada Kadavra!

The Dark Lord Big Bang
I grow tired of your incessant whining, Potter. It's not all about Voldemorte. Wait, I guess this time it is.

Kurt Big Bang
Glee with a twist and a spritz of body mist. She's funky, she's fabulous, she's...a guy. Work it, girl!

Dogs: Bullets & Carnage (Big Bang)
A manga about violence and, I'm assuming, bullets and carnage. Don't know where I get that idea from. It just came to me.

Inception Big Bang
It's based on the movie, so I am assuming the fics will be long, filled with sweet graphics, and eventually prove to be plotless, pointless drivel.

Life On Mars Big Bang
This one was set up in May, but it's kinda retroactive, so I'm giving it a pass on the inaction. Who knows, maybe we'll wake up and we'll be in May again.

Crossover Big Bang (Korean Edition)
Those silly K-fans. They thought they were pretty sneaky with their titles. I found it, though!

Bulgarian Big Bang
Viktor Crumb needs long fic. You will give it to him! Puny, Potter!

War Big Bang
You may have won the battle, but this one's about to go nuclear on your war fandoms. Big bang indeed!

Big Bangs That Collapsed Into Black Holes:

Draco Big Bang Avada Kadavra'ed!
HP AU Big Bang Yep, another one.
Big Bang Whores Maybe it wasn't a big bang comm. Then again, it was about Eureka...
Accio Big Bang This one too.
Writing Big Bang It has writer's block.
Witches Big Bang Someone burned this one at the stake.
Legend Of The Seeker Big Bang The keeper got his hands on this one, apparently.
Sparkle Big Bang Twilight has a poor track record with big bangs.
Asoiaf Big Bang Dead. Who knows what it was about?