August 19th, 2010

[info]dani_meows in [info]t_31_bang

Fanfic: A Slow Understanding (Kirk/Spock) Star Trek reboot

Title:A Slow Understanding
Author's Name: Dani Meows
Disclaimer: Star Trek is owned by it's owners. I own a net book, an apartment, and I'm owned by two cats. Clearly I don't own ST.
Warnings: Unbetaed, some sap, and perhaps a bit dramatic at times.
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Summary:. Spock is adrift in his own mind after the loss of Vulcan and his mother. It seems like nothing can get him out. Only a desperate stunt can save him now.
Author's Note: If anyone reads this and comments... I will love them forever. :) Offers to beta read it and help make it better before I post it elsewhere are love.

Rough draft ahead