July 13th, 2010

[info]i_want_2 in [info]t_31_bang

T-31: Other Big Bangs

Here is a listing of other Big Bangs that I have recently come across in the past several hours. These are all on Live Journal. If you know of others anywhere, please feel free to respond with their links.

SHINee Big Bang
Uh, something Korean. At least I think.

Skins Big Bang
Pretty, mostly white, British teens with problems. Yeah, it's 90210 with less sexual standards.

Supernatural Slash Big Bang
Ball 4, and the batter walks. The 4th attempt at a big bang in this fandom.

Captain America/Iron Man Reverse Big Bang
This is one of them there horse before the cart dealies. You know, art before the fic.

Bingos and Big Bangs
It's a college notice board for fandom bingos and big bangs. Only, some prick hasn't tacked up pics of you with a penis drawn on your face, passed out drunk. Yet.
