July 1st, 2010

[info]i_want_2 in [info]t_31_bang

Sign-Ups Post: Release The Depth Charges!

We are here for the twenty-third round of T-31 And Counting....Bang!

To sign-up, please select a prompt from those listed here. Reply with the prompt, your pen name, and IJ handle to this post. Once approved, you can begin writing immediately. You have until Midnight Sunday, July 4th, 2010 to sign-up.

Important: Please take only those prompts you believe you can finish before the deadline of July 23rd, 2010. The minimum number of words to qualify as finished is 5000. Do not post stories any where until July 24th. After that date, please post a copy here to this asylum and any where else you want.

# Fandoms )

A Fandoms )

B Fandoms )

C Fandoms )

D Fandoms )

I Fandoms )

K Fandoms )

M Fandoms )

N Fandoms )

S Fandoms )

T Fandoms )

W Fandoms )

FYI: 00. signifies this is a crossover and is listed multiple times.

If you have prompts/fandoms you would like to add, I will open up the next prompt submission round on July 18th.

Thank you and good luck!