May 24th, 2010

[info]i_want_2 in [info]t_31_bang

T-31: Other Big Bangs

Here is a listing of other Big Bangs that I have recently come across in the past several hours. These are all on Live Journal. If you know of others anywhere, please feel free to respond with their links.

Lure Big Bang
As The World Turns is possibly the longest running soap opera. Now, Luke and Reid need you to write some of the longest fanfic for them.

Kpop OT3 Big Bang Supportathon
Apparently Kpop is harder to write than most, so they needed a special big bang/support group. 3somes and moresomes welcome, 2somes or solos are obviously discouraged. Obviously.

The Vampire Diaries Big Bang
Feel the need to watch vapid, pretty people with really deep, emotional problems who spout things no one understands in long fics? No, not Gossip Girl. This one has vampires. No, it's not Twilight. They don't sparkle like unattended second graders in arts and crafts. No, it's not Supernatural. They try to follow the vampire legends. No, it's not True Blood... Never mind! It's a big bang about vampires and high school kids, with problems. Deal with it.
