May 8th, 2010

[info]i_want_2 in [info]t_31_bang

T-31: The Next Round.

Since I went ahead and started one on LJ, I am tying the two groups together. T-31 IJ and LJ will open sign ups for their next round on the 14th at midnight. All prompts will be gathered up in a single post that will be posted to both sites.

Sign ups and rules are still the same, you just have the option of doing it here or on LJ, or both if you wish. One small change, though. A 'responses' post will be made at the end of every round to let people on both sites know what stories were posted that round.

So, in summation, you now have one week until sign ups open. That means 6 days of prompting remaining. If you have prompt ideas, we are open for suggestions on the prompts post.

Thank you and good luck.