Syncratic School District: Logs Comm

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Syncratic School District: Logs Comm


December 3rd, 2008

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Who: Myrene Carnegie and Mark Grayson (& Princess Puddin' Pop)
When: This afternoon/evening
Where: Mark's place
Rating/Warnings: unsupervised teens. Who knows what could happen!
Status: WIP

I'll get my lovin' in the evening time, when I'm with my baby. )

November 20th, 2008

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Who: Myrene and Mark
When: Saturday Night/Sunday morning after the party
Where: Rene's House
Rating/Warnings: Super power confessions

He's Superman! Super Duperman! )

November 17th, 2008

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Who: Anyone Logan has invited to the Thanksgiving Party. Pretty much open to the entire Syncratic student body. EXCEPT FOR THAT FUCKTARD BRONSON! (Logan made me say that.)
Where/When: Logan's house, Saturday night.
Why: Pot pumpkin pie. What other reason do you need?
Warnings: Drug use, superhero smut, language, turkey.

Over the river and through the woods... )

November 13th, 2008

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Who: Myrene Carnegie and Mark Grayson
When: This afternoon
Where:Rene's house, and then out for a trip
Rating/Warnings: Maybe some language, nothing naughty.
Status: WIP

Oh Invincible! You have to rescue the Pies from the Evil Spoon of DOOM!!!! )

November 2nd, 2008

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Who: Tess and Rene.
Where/When: En route to and from Rene's house and a drug store and Rene's house. This afternoon.
What: ZOMG freakout. No, Tess is NOT pregnant nor is she getting pregnant. It's just to give Em and Shar something to do.

How could this happen to me? )

October 31st, 2008

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Who: Myrene "Rene" Carnegie and OT students.
Where: Her Parent's house Neptune, California. (Layout seen here!)
When: Tonight, 8 PM PST.
What: Halloween Party!
Warnings/Status: Underage drinking, swearing, there may be sexual content. Incomplete.
Start threads in the post! Have fun! Each new comment to the post itself is a separate thread.

They did the Mash! the Monster Mash! It was a Grave Yard Smash! They did the Monster Mash! )

October 29th, 2008

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Who: The Spencer twins, Logan Echolls, Myrene Carnegie, Mark Grayson, Burton Guster and Severus Snape at the haunted house.
Where: Chez Spencer, then a Haunted House and possibly Shady Pines? Don't tell Gus and Tess.
When: Thursday evening.
Warnings/Status: Illegal substances and underage drinking are probably, definitely swearing. Possible gropey but no smut (or Tess will smack a bitch since she's holding off).
Posting Order:
Rene/Shawn (Or Shawn after Rene is Aki posts for herself)

They're whacky and they're cooky, delirious and spooky, they're all together crazy, the Spencer family. Nananana click click. . .Yeah I'm done. )

October 4th, 2008

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Who: Syncratic Student Body
Where/When;  Friday night, ballroom at the San DIego Marriott
Warning:  See above.  It's anarchy, people!  Mass hysteria.
OOC:  So, let's probably play this the same way as Gus's party.  Start a thread, interact with others, spike the punch with rum, whatever.

October 2nd, 2008

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Who: Logan, Tess, MyGie
When: Wednesday night, Tess back from New York.
Why: That whole, uh, drunken monkey kissy face thing LoLo did.
Warning: Language. LoLo hopes for girl on girl action.

September 28th, 2008

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Who:  LoLo and MyGie
Where/When:  Tonight at Dog Beach.
Warnings: Just cursing, LoLo acting ungentlemanly and MyGie reminding him not to be a fucktard.

September 26th, 2008

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Who: Mark Grayson and Myrene Carnegie
When: this evening
Where: Rene's house
Rating/Warnings: R maybe?
Status: WIP

I'm gonna have my man, gonna steal their hearts and save them for another day. )

September 22nd, 2008

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Who: Tesla Spencer and Open.
Where: Santa Barbara library, central branch.
When: Monday afternoon.
What: Getting off of work, hanging out.
Warnings/Status: Swearing, I'll edit if needed. Open for play. Seriously, anyone. Multiple threads welcome, aka if someone already has replied, go ahead and do it anyway, have your pup just approach her before or after the other one/s does/do.

Tess glanced at the clock for the 30th time in five seconds, sighed in frustration as she scanned through a shelf, ducking down to read Dewey Decimal numbers on the sides of some books that she was shelving. She had 10 minutes extra stuck on her shift since she had been ten minutes later to work that morning (thank you, Henry), and the time seemed to be stretching by. She hated the job, had mastered it in hours and been bored with it since before her training had ended, but she needed to bring the money in regularly to get use of Henry's car. Something she could always use until she saved up enough to buy a junker of her own.

Hers and Shawn's birthday was coming up in November, she hoped enough birthday cards would help pile a couple dozen dollars more, enough to have Henry take her to a used car lot. She sighed as she put the last book on her cart away and stood, adjusting her earbuds in her ears, her arm going to automatically give the cart a shove as she always did when it hit something and she looked up, pulling her headphones out. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry! Are you okay? I didn't see you. . ."

September 16th, 2008

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Who: Tesla Spencer and Myrene Carnegie
When: This evening, nowish.
What: Phone call about breakup blues.
Where: Their respective homes.
Warnings: Swearing.

I think about you baby, and I dream about you all the time. . . )

September 13th, 2008

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Who: Myrene Carnegie and Shawn Spencer
When: Sometime on Saturday
Where: The Best place for Pineapple Smoothies
Rating/Warnings: None some awkward flirting possibly.

Rene pulled up in front of the Spencer's house and waited for Shawn. She tapped her fingers along the steering wheel and played with the radio. She finally settled on a station that was playing a pop-y song about someone knowing someone wasn't telling the truth and the other person just didn't have any proof. She hummed along and jiggled her knee. For some strange reason she'd always found Shawn cute, but that generally ended when he said something annoying and she just wanted to smack him. But hey, he was being nice right now. She realized she was smiling and hit her head on the steering wheel. No Awkward crushing on Shawn.

September 12th, 2008

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Who:Myrene Carnegie and Mark Grayson
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Rene's House
Rating/Warnings: None
Status: WIP.

Rene sped down the highway, the air whipped at her face from the top of her convertible being down. She turned onto the side street that lead to her beach front house. She was late from picking up the pineapple smoothies she agreed to pick up. Hopefully she'd beat him back to her house, nothing worse than arriving and finding your host absent. She slowed to a stop and made her final turn. She saw a tall, familiar looking guy and slowed down before pulling over. She smiled and leaned over the passenger side, "Hey Mark! Wanna lift?"

September 6th, 2008

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Who: Burton "Gus" Guster and OT students.
Where: His parents house, Santa Barbara California.
When: Tonight, 7 PM PST.
What: Party!
Warnings/Status: Underage drinking, swearing, there may be sexual content. Incomplete.
Start threads in the post! Interact, have fun! Make some friends people! This is the way to do it. Each new comment to the post itself is a separate thread. Make sure no one's is left hanging!

When I came home last night you wouldn't make love to me. You were fast asleep. Wouldn't even talk to me. . )
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