Nov. 9th, 2008


PTO and Club Charybdis Resource

Hey all!

There's a public thread open at Club Charybdis. It's on the corner of Knockturn and Diagon, second floor of the building. The first floor is a real estate witch. The club is only open past 9 pm (which is why we don't see it in the books) and tonight is their tenth anniversary, so half-priced drinks!

Feel free to drop your character in, and make up any number of unsavory types you meet along the way. It's probably attracting a bit of a different crowd than it did a year ago ... make up any details? Just reply with them to this post so we can keep it all together!

Oct. 18th, 2008


Journal Entries Guideline

After chatting with players, we've decided to offer an additional RP experience here at Struggle Within, namely Journal Entries with the ability for other players to comment.

The concept is relatively simple, each player can use their journal whenever they like to make entries (just about anything, epistolary remarks, soliloquies, requests for flatmates, comments on what's going on in the world). They can then make these entries private, public, or warded to certain individuals. An entry, or a part of an entry warded private or to a select character or characters can only be replied to by those people. Public entries can be read by and commented on by all.

These entries should be written in first person and are completely optional. Any players who do not wish to participate in journal entries do not need to do so. Journal entries will also not count for the mandatory participation requirements for a character when activity checks occur.

The concept behind the journals is that they begin to be sold in August right at the time of game start (either by the Wheezes if their players are agreeable or by another individual). These journals can be bought by anyone and are sold simply for "fun", but groups such as the Death Eaters, the Orders, or Muggleborns, can purchase them to use to communicate with others secretly and therefore they can be used for a more interesting and relevant to game purpose if people wish.

Journal entries can be a fun way to interact with new characters and to get to know your fellow players. If you have any questions about them feel free to ask Holly (Mod - Fleur, Pig, Alicia).

Oct. 15th, 2008


Resource: Character Positions

Hello all!

We thought it'd be useful if we had one place to come to see which characters work where. This will, of course, be added to as we add characters or if characters switch jobs or disappear for whatever reason. So, without further ado ...

The List )

Oct. 5th, 2008


How to Post

The header and other directions )