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January 2nd, 2013

Teams: X-Men

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The X-Men are a group of superheroes acting out of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters in Salem Center, New York. Though once exclusively a group of mutants, Xavier's has opened up to the superhero community at large. Due to large numbers and shifting rosters, the X-Men tend to operate in small squads rather than as a whole.

These days, members of the X-Men are usually seen as reserve teams, being sent out on occasional special assignments or to assist major events in New York City.

Comment with the following format to one of the squad assignments below.

Civilian Identity:
Powers: (brief description)
Role/Trope/Type: (what does your character bring to the table in this squad? the best squads have varying personalities and types, so try to find a squad selection that best showcases your character's type)

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