Dec. 19th, 2008


RP: If I were A Boy

Date: 19 September 1997
Characters: Marietta Edgecombe and OTA
Location: Leaky Cauldron
Summary: Marietta decides it's her turn to have a few drinks.
Completion: Incomplete

By any hopes, she’d get drunk enough that she could apparate home and by the time she fell asleep wouldn't give a fuck. )

Nov. 30th, 2008


RP: Ways To Make Marietta's Blood Boil

Date: 30 August 1997
Characters: Marietta Edgecombe, Padrig Cadwallader
Location: Their home.
Summary: Marietta comes home to discuss the fact Padrig has been associating with known death eaters in an civilized manner ... too bad she has a raging temper. Adult situations and language.
Completion: Complete

She took off her shoes at the door caring them with her as she searched for him. She was going to throw them at him whenever she found him. )


RP: Ink Face

Date: 29 August 1997
Characters: Marietta Edgecombe, Bellatrix Lestrange
Location: Ministry of Magic
Summary: Marietta is overworking herself in her attempts to make sure everything is in order for the Muggleborn "interviews" when she has a run in with Bellatrix Lestrange that leaves her shaken.
Completion: Complete

There wasn't room for error. Error would be disastrous. Most people had already gone home for the night. She hadn't been home in days. )

Nov. 10th, 2008


RP: Lightning Crashes

Date: 10 November 1997, 3 am
Characters: Marietta Edgecombe, Padrig Cadwallader
Location: Their flat
Status: Private
Summary: Marietta is pissed off at Padrig but there is a thunderstorm and habits are hard to break. Very Adult situations.
Completion: Complete

Othello was curled up on the end of her bed sleeping soundly but Marietta couldn’t sleep a wink.  )

Nov. 4th, 2008


RP: No matter the political climate

Date: 3 June 1997
Characters: Cho Chang, ???
Location: The Ministry of Magic
Status: Public
Summary: Cho is in the Ministry to deliver the monthly report.
Completion: Complete

Nov. 1st, 2008


Date: August 1st, 1997
Characters: Marietta Edgecombe and Alicia Spinnet
Location: Random Deli, London
Status: Public
Summary: Marietta is the H.B.I.L (Head Bitch In London) but she is also a bit nutso.
Completion: Complete

It was muggle operated but it was close to the Ministry and they normally made decent enough food. She didn’t even had to say it was to go. They knew her face well enough to know they better get it right and it better be easy for her to carry or else. )

Oct. 24th, 2008


RP : Better than a Half-Breed.

Date: Friday Afternoon, 24 July 1997
Characters: Marietta Edgecombe, Padrig Cadwallader
Location: Their Shared Flat.
Status: Private
Summary: Marietta is annoyed that a half-breed is getting married before her and as with most things Padrig and Marietta end up quarreling. Some vague domestic violence but nothing too graphic. Oh and some language.
Completion: Complete

It wasn't as if the Weasley family wasn't enough of a joke now they had to go and marry half-breeds? )