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[31 Jan 2010|12:50am]
Lucius/Narcissa post Half Blood Prince line please? Threading/email/gdoc etc. No IM though I'm fine with plotting over it. I can play either of them.
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[31 Jan 2010|01:02pm]
[info]sfbayarea Lea Michele and Mark Salling! Both are needed for specific lines with this girl and the Cory Monteith!
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[31 Jan 2010|01:24pm]
[info]wedded. Looking for storylines filled. Check under the cut.

Storylines... )
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[31 Jan 2010|04:33pm]
howdy doo, i'm looking to join a celeb community somewhere so, home? and also, are there any sam worthington players that would want to join with me or want an sl?
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[31 Jan 2010|11:18pm]
psls? I have an idea in mind, but i'm willing to brainstorm as well! im me my demand list if interested. slash only.
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[ viewing | January 31st, 2010 ]
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