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supernatural psl? [30 Jan 2010|11:16am]
Sam against my Ruby?
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looking for potter psls. [30 Jan 2010|11:22am]
Hi, I'm Brittany and I've been roleplaying for about 5 years. I'm looking for PSLs to fill up some of my time.

This is in order of preference (characters I'll play and who I'd like to play against):
Narcissa Black (against Lucius, Rabastan, Macnair, etc), Rodolphus Lestrange (against Bellatrix), and Thomas Nott / OC: Theodore's father (against Andromeda - pre!Ted, or another Slytherin girl). I prefer to play those in the Marauder Era only. I am also willing to play Hermione Granger (against Draco or Harry) and Asteria Greengrass (against Draco). There's also a slim possibility that I'll play Draco Malfoy, but I'd rather play against him.

The PBs I regularly use are: Claire Danes (Narcissa Black), Henry Cavill (Rodolphus Lestrange), Matt Lanter (Thomas Nott), and Emma Watson (Hermione Granger). I don't really have a particular PB in mind for Asteria, so ideas are welcome there. If I play Draco, I usually use Boyd Holbrook.

I'm not incredibly picky about who the other person uses for a PB, but I do like: Alexander Skarsgard for Lucius, Natalie Dormer for Bellatrix, Rachel Bilson for Andromeda, and Boyd Holbrook for Draco. I really don't mind if you use someone else, though. Like I said, I'm not really pick about it.
For the Maruader Era, obviously I love playing in wartime and I love the Slytherins. With the Trio Era, I'm willing to play during wartime (perhaps one of those PSLs where the war is dragged out for a few more years) or during a post war world.

No crossovers and no AIM based games. Feel free to comment here or send me an email at :) Writing samples are available upon request for Marauder characters.
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[30 Jan 2010|07:38pm]
anyone out there playing tyson ritter (rl or pb)? i'd love to play against him. i can offer jonathan kroppmann, pete wentz, frank iero, brian schechter, brian molko or ashlee simpson.

threading/email only.
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[30 Jan 2010|07:59pm]
[info]wedded - I'd love some people to fill storylines/relationships listed here.
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[30 Jan 2010|08:48pm]
I would love a Ryan Gosling pb for a possible romantic storyline with my Alexis Bledel over at [info]altamontorlando.
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[30 Jan 2010|10:49pm]
Looking for a couple of lines. Details in the journal.
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[30 Jan 2010|11:33pm]
[info]precinct19 I'm looking for someone who would be interested in playing a male homicide detective. My girl needs her partner. The SL would be strickly platonic though. They are just friends, but spend 99% of their time together because of thier job and long hours.
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