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[21 Jan 2010|07:29am]
Hello, I was wondering if anyone would like to play Rose Weasley against Scorpius Malfoy (pb Boyd Holbrook) in [info]proviseur? I'd like Cintia Dicker for her pb but I don't really care. I'd apreciate it so much!
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[21 Jan 2010|04:48pm]
[info]precinct19 Come and join this growing, fun and active game. We're looking for more Chicago people. Quite a few of our players are looking for lines. ~ethanr,~evannr, and ~alexrn are looking for their parents. ~olliemac and ~sammyj are looking for their older brother who was a junkie the last time they saw him. Line comes with a babymomma, ~brickners.  ~linleed is looking for a younger brother. And ~reggiewns is looking for one more of his best friends to help run his mechanic shop with him. And ~ollimac has been looking for a NARC partner. Will be doing adds in a little bit.
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[ viewing | January 21st, 2010 ]
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