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[22 Jan 2010|12:15am]
[info]coffeecups opens on Friday, and I'm looking for lines for my girl.

I'm looking for her BFF since either middle school or high school, someone she grew up with and knows a dark secret she has. Also, some casual friends, people to hang out with, apartment complex neighbors, co-workers at the lingerie shop. Andie is also a tomboy, and huge sports fan. Especially baseball and she loves the NY Yankess. She needs a male buddy to go to sports bars with and drink Bud or Bud Light while they watch sports on the big screens. And she's very close to her parents, epecially her father, so I'm looking for those as well.

To read more about my girl go either here or here

Also, here is my Screened/OOC info/lines post *as you'll see I have certain PB's in mind for her dad*
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Supernatural Group PSL [22 Jan 2010|09:59am]
67_chevy via 67_mod

Bobby Singer, Chuck Rosen, Meg Masters & Raphael
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[22 Jan 2010|10:37am]
Seeking this Veronica/Logan line.

[22 Jan 2010|01:10pm]
So I'm pretty sure I've just lost two lines, which means I have time for one or two more. I don't have any specific wants, currently, but I love plotting. Here's a vague list of interests. I can be reached on aim at shooterxkitty or by commenting in my journal. :] Slash and threading only.
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King Arthur wants YOU! [22 Jan 2010|03:24pm]
Game: Britannia ([info]britannia_mod)
Fandom: Arthurian Legend
Format: Thread-based
Genre: Reincarnation, Modern Day
Rating: PG-13 and up

Britannia is a small town in upstate New York, notable mostly for its lovely scenery and affordable accommodations -- oh, and the high proportion of its citizens who are subject to vivid, disturbing dreams. The game is small but active, with plots afoot!

Open Characters:
Accolon, Morgan's lover and pawn

Palomides, a pagan knight and Tristan's rival

Elaine of Astolat, the Lady of Shalott

King Pellinore, lifelong beast-hunter and father of multitudes

And plenty more!

Open Roles:
Can't decide who your favorite character is now? There's plenty of room for more high school students and (particularly female) teachers, as well as younger kidlets. We currently have a dearth of physicians, psychiatrists, or other medical types -- and boy are we gonna need some. ;) Sanford's Family Restaurant could use waitstaff. Check the town directory to see what we've got so far!
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[22 Jan 2010|07:33pm]
[info]whhs David Henrie for epic BFFS!
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[22 Jan 2010|09:39pm]
Seeking out either a Tenth Doctor or Clone!Ten for a multifandom game. If you are interested please reply to this post or PM. We've got a small cast right now but would really love to see either Doctor.
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