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[20 Jan 2010|09:43am]
I am on a bit of a Potter kick lately. Is there anyone out there in need of any of these characters? I can do PSLs or if anyone can point me in the direction of a game in need of one of these kids that'd be great. Thanks!

Narcissa Black/Malfoy
Ted Tonks
Remus Lupin (preferably MWPP but Trio works too)
Emmeline Vance
Teddy Lupin
Scorpius Malfoy
Sirius Black (MWPP)
Regulus Black
Luna Lovegood
Frank Longbottom
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[20 Jan 2010|10:34am]
check the journal
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[20 Jan 2010|09:50pm]
Seeking a John Mayer to go against Michelle Nolan/DaRosa, Jenna Haze, Lindsay Felton, or a few other possibilities. Prefer het but also open to slash. I'm looking for a line that's got some fluff, maybe something domestic? But I'm totally up for brainstorming. I prefer AIM, but I'm okay with email threading, too. comment here or hit me up at shockvaluecola.
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[ viewing | January 20th, 2010 ]
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