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[10 Jan 2010|12:14am]
[info]backdrops, a psl community in the spirit of /players. join with your psl journal and connect with other players. next adds are 1/14 or 5 applications!
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[10 Jan 2010|02:58am]
Who writes Heroes slash? There's nothing wrong with a little smut, but I'd prefer something primarily plot and character-oriented. Comment with which characters and/or pairings you play, please!
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[10 Jan 2010|09:21am]
Community: [info]academy_x
Possible PBs: Any
Link for Lines: Characters Wanted
Contact: PM or comment is best.

I'm especially looking for a Warren Worthington III (Archangel) and a Sarah Rushman (Marrow). Paige has a HUGE crush on Warren, so it'd be nice to have one... though she's also got a crush on our resident Jono... And she'll probably be getting together with Jono eventually, but it'd be nice to have a Warren for her to be conflicted with. And I don't know how well Paige and Marrow would get along, but it'd be fun to have one to try out a new dynamic! Paige needs some girls in her life! :)
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[10 Jan 2010|10:15am]
Looking to rejoin the RP with a few things:

1.) Digimon: A while ago, someone made a small digimon game, and sadly, the mod just up and abandoned it. But here I am with a 19 year old Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi who is begging to be played. Looking for a PSL or a small PSGroup. If a group of people are interested, I'd be willing to set up the community.

2.) World of WarCraft: Still haven't found that playing partner. I'm interested in playing Alliance, but can switch to Horde no problem. We could game together and RP through the game, along with IM play and whatnot.

3.) PB: Eiji Wentz or Ricky Ullman: Those have always been my two favorite faces to play as. Both young, vibrant, and lots of silly faces make them super enjoyable for me. So they are looking for homes in really.. anything. Fandom, Fantasy, PB, etc.

Feel free to contact me through this journal, or via aim: josh can heal. Thanks!

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[10 Jan 2010|02:27pm]
coming back and eager to play after a long, needed hiatus! check the journal for details, por favor.
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[10 Jan 2010|03:59pm]

Looking for an older woman/younger guy line. PBs I had in mind could be Zac Efron or Hunter Parrish but I am open to your ideas as well.  I was thinking about using Naomi Watts - but can be discussed as well.
Thread only and please long-term.

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check the journal! [10 Jan 2010|05:51pm]
Looking for a DEAN or SAM WINCHESTER for some psls! Poke me for information.

I also have a couple HP characters looking for homes or PSLs. Bellatrix, Ginny, Hermione, Roxanne, Lavender & Hestia Jones.

Got some psl ideas in the journal, but I'm most looking for HP or Supernatural at the moment.
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[10 Jan 2010|06:24pm]
Probably a long shot but would anyone be up for a House/Thirteen line? Or Olivia Wilde & Hugh Laurie as a PB line?
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[10 Jan 2010|09:02pm]
Looking for a fast paced psl for the night. Aim or Threading.

Celeb: I play the a7x boys Slash and Valary DiBenedetto-Sanders
PB: I would like to try my hand at Karl Urban or Chris Pine. And Tara Reid
Fandom:Star Trek Reboot: Kirk/Scotty or Kirk/Bones (I play the one in bold)
Doctor Who: Slash Lines Only, Willing to play Capt Jack Harkness, Tenth Doctor, or Human-Doctor
Torchwood: Slash Lines Only, Capt Jack Harkness, Owen Harper, or Ianto Jones

Not interested in Femme lines. Sorry. . .

If interested or have an idea feel free to comment here, PM me, or contact me Via Aim @diaryfthedead but my buddylist is friends only, so leave a comment here with yours. I will screen the comments for that reason.

Also, if you have a specific pb pairing or storyline in mind feel free to ask.
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