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[09 Jan 2010|12:37am]
anyone into some good ol' fashion pb faux celeb comms? I have several lines that need filled. I need boys and girls of all ages for the different lines. If you may be interested, hit me up on aim at bananamooses and I'll link you to the game / lines post. Thank you :P Warning, some of the lines are epic epic.

Entails to Bi-ships, family, friends, bandmates, PA/Managers, ex's, and random friends
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need lines to fill my free time! [09 Jan 2010|06:38am]
Check the Journal. I'm willing to consider any kind of community or line (except that I don't do femme - and obviously not slash since these are all girls!). PBs are always negotiable. What I'm most looking for are Supernatural & Harry Potter lines/communities. (panfandom will work for either, though)

Need a DEAN for an Anna/Castiel/Dean line. Need a SAM for a Jo/Sam line. Would LOVE LOVE LOVE a panfandom place to put my pre-4.09, non-Grace Anna Milton (possibly with a Cas to join me). Always open to other Supernatural pairings. (Might maybe possibly pick up Dean for the right line, but no Wincest & I will not play him in a fluff line against Jo.)

HARRY POTTER: One of my favorite games died after a year of being there! So I'm looking for communities or psls for some of my characters: Ginny, Hermione, Bella (who is very dark, even pre-azkaban), Hestia Jones (would love to pair with Charlie or Bill), Lavender Brown (also love to pair with Bill or Charlie), Roxanne (would love to pair her with one of the Scamander twins or a Weird Sister - yes i realize the age difference).

There are other wanted lines in my journal, so go have a peek if these don't strike your fancy.
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[09 Jan 2010|07:07pm]
I'm itching for some Kradam, anyone up for a threading line? One-liners need not apply, just comment if interested!
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[ viewing | January 9th, 2010 ]
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