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[08 Jan 2010|03:28am]
Hey there. I am on a serious smallville kick and would love a slash line with Oliver Queen and Clark Kent! I'd also be up for Oliver/Lois and last but not least a Lois/Clark line. I'm open to story lines, and who I'd play, though I'd like it to be somewhat close to the series. Also I'm a threading type of gal, but you could reach me on inkstainedlife to discuss details.

Storylines Here:
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[08 Jan 2010|08:03am]
Still needing for this line to be filled.........

I know this is probably a long shot but would anyone would be interested in a historical psl? I was thinking maybe a forced marriage or something along the lines of the Tudors. But I am more than happy to brainstorm as well. It would be a het line and I am looking to play the female part. Please threading only.

Also I am looking for a femme line involving either two teenage girls of which one of them is pregnant or a line about two actresses who need to play a couple for a movie and things go further than that. First it's only physical - then feelings come into play.
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[08 Jan 2010|01:10pm]
[info]epigraph Need more goobers and someone to make Ale's heart flutter.

P.S. I would KILL for a Brandon Flowers
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specialopbrute [08 Jan 2010|09:47pm]
Would anyone be interested in an original storyline set slightly in the future, when technology has advanced humanity to great heights and made most paranoid of alien races- dubbing them as threats. There's a single rogue group of trained humans who call themselves the Bringers of Hope and they, for many a year now, have been secretly working to better humanities relations to alien races. Their strongest tie lies in their own 'private aid', a lone male alien who was discovered as a captured youth in the hands of the governments experimental studies program and was freed roughly three months before the program went underground due to public backlash that called even alien studies cruel.

Basically the storyline could be worked around but I'm searching for a writer willing to bring a new member to the Hope group- a rookie female, maybe a non-believer working as a spy even. She's introduced to each member of the group one by one and becomes connected to the humans before they let her meet Brute, the roughly 24 something year old alien who's grown into a teasing, playful goof despite his stature and freakish appearance.

I'd like this to work into a romantic line, if there's still folks into this sort of thing besides me! :P It'd be most amusing if she slowly came to realize that she was growing fond of the alien rather than fearful of him...especially given his strength.
He slowly aids her in becoming a better fighter for the Bringers of Hope and might even bestow a few gifts of his forgotten people.

Feel free to PM me, comment, or via AIM at specialopbrute.
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[08 Jan 2010|11:48pm]
[info]precinct19 Looking for parents to this guy and his siblings. Also their sister. The family is pretty tight knit and dad is the fire chief. Also in need of maybe a sister in law to stay with him and help raise his son.
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[08 Jan 2010|11:51pm]
Probably close to impossible but does anyone PB Hugh Laurie or Hugh Grant? I'd die for a psl against either.
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[ viewing | January 8th, 2010 ]
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