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[07 Jan 2010|01:07am]
I've applied to [info]pikestreet and I would love some lines.

Anyone interested in lines with a 39 year old Kate Walsh PB (lots more info in her journal), can comment her contact post and we can work something out. :)
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[07 Jan 2010|08:02am]
I know this is probably a long shot but would anyone would be interested in a historical psl? I was thinking maybe a forced marriage or something along the lines of the Tudors. But I am more than happy to brainstorm as well. It would be a het line and I am looking to play the female part. Please threading only.
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[07 Jan 2010|08:27am]
Can I get a Ryan Ross to play against my a little less 16 candles based Brendon?
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[07 Jan 2010|01:22pm]
I would seriously give my right kidney to anyone that PBs Jay Baruchel and would be interested in joining [info]quarantine_ops for a sibling line.
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[07 Jan 2010|05:01pm]
Looking for a Cygnus I Black and/or Violetta Black (née Bulstrode) for [info]ammods. The game is an alter reality type game. A strange King has pulled all sorts of Harry Potter universe characters from all different times and ages.

I play Pollux Black, their 2nd born child but 1st born son. The link has more links to his history, along with Cassiopeia (1st born) and Dorea's (4th born). Pollux has the utmost respect for his parents, and would literally do anything for them. Cassie and Dorea are both children in the game, so as long as Cygnus or Violetta are older than 18, they would reclaim guardianship over the girls. At the moment they are living with Sirius Black and Morag MacDougal, which Pollux is not a fan of one bit. There are a whole whack of Blacks in play, so there is a rather large potential for interaction.

See his history for more details, or contact me for potential plot!
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[07 Jan 2010|10:18pm]
[info]shellshocker &/or psl's would be FAN-TAS-TIC =]
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[07 Jan 2010|11:02pm]
Would anyone be interested in an original Supernatural (either series or genre) PSL against a hunter with Jessica Biel as the PB? This would involve brainstorming to come up with a line together and be through threading.
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