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[06 Jan 2010|01:57pm]
Looking for a Karl Urban to be the Russell Crowe type actor to this lady's Cate Blanchett-ness. [info]rogerebert needs more of the older, genius Australians that have taken over Hollywood.
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[06 Jan 2010|02:50pm]
check the journal
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[06 Jan 2010|07:46pm]
would anyone pb an older woman against a boyd holbrook pb? psl preferably, but i'd be willing to take it to a comm.
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[06 Jan 2010|08:48pm]
Anyone want a line against a Jared Padalecki PB? Het only and of a supernatural genre, he's a werewolf and she's (a witch? necromancer? psychic? etc.).

This may or may not be a romantic line. It's intended to start out platonic, she's his best friend and he just went through a rough patch in his life.
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[06 Jan 2010|09:14pm]
home for Alessandra?
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[06 Jan 2010|11:37pm]
David Henrie to [info]whhs ASAP!
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[ viewing | January 6th, 2010 ]
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