ooc comm. - January 19th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 19th, 2011

Pujie in the house! [Jan. 19th, 2011|05:24 pm]


Hello, my beauts!

This is Puja, coming in off an 8 month (if not longer) hiatus to take baby steps back into the RP world. From what I've seen of this game, it looks awesome and low-key, and EXACTLY what I need in my life right now. Those of you who know me, hello! And those of you who don't know me, let's fix that ASAP :]

And now down to business. I have here a certain reincarnation of Aeneas. He's a son of Aphrodite and apparently a third cousin of Hector, but long story short: Troy fell, Aeneas survived, and the gods told him to go found Rome. I don't think most of the Aeneid comes into play here, since that's a Greek/Roman/Phoenician crossover and probably doesn't apply.

ANYWAY, this time around he's called Jason Andreas who is a post-modern fiction writer. He grew up pretty poor in NYC, went to NYU, and is now getting his MFA there. His books have done really well (if your characters are into that sort of reading), but they're all published under the pen name "Darrell Wade". As far as the people around him are concerned, he's just a friendly, somewhat straight-laced guy who's into writing.

I realize that this whole post has come out as rambly nonsense, so just check out his profile. I'm pretty sure it makes more sense than I do. You can reach me at my IJ ([info]puja) or at pujabberwocky on both AIM and Gtalk/gmail :]

If you can't already tell, I'm super excited about coming back to RP with all of you. :D
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