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I AM BEING SO SUPER RP-PRODUCTIVE [Feb. 8th, 2011|01:19 pm]

OKAY Julie here, introducing my (hopefully) last character! She's been done for a while, but this is Thalia, the muse of comedy -- currently going by the pseudonym Izzy Álvarez, a Portuguese photographer. She flits around socialising with anyone who'll have her and usually takes pictures at social events, often succeeding at sneaking into places she's not supposed to be. People seem to not notice her slipping around. In all of her spare evenings, she holes up in comedy clubs & open mic nights. She's silly and giddy and exuberant and likes making people laugh, duh. She also LOVES mortal life, and has always happily, happily pretended to be one.

She's my deity who's most most most likely to know mortals -- in fact, she probably goes out of her way to befriend them. Full profile here! HAVE AT.

(also calling all musely sisters...)
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Two in a week? [Jan. 23rd, 2011|03:15 am]

Allo my lovelies! It's Puja again, with a second character. This lady here is Michele Deaver, a reincarnation of Psyche. In mythology she was a beautiful mortal princess who fell in love with Eros (much to Aphrodite's chagrin) and after a lot of emotional turmoil and jumping through Aphrodite's hoops, finally became immortal and married him. Unfortunately, the immortality didn't stick, and now she's reincarnating like the rest of the heroes and mortals.

Michele is a publicist for a big name event planning agency. She's 21, lis an old soul, and has a lot of friends in the universities around there. She's also all about women's rights and being a strong female role model, and will tolerate no sexist/racist/homophobic remarks from anyone. She thinks this whole 'destined to fall in love with Eros' thing is complete bull, and refuses to let some damn immortal derail her entire life. Of course, she hasn't actually met the guy yet, so who knows what's going to happen.

Anywho, Michele needs friends/acquaintances/romantic liasons/&c. across the board. GIMME UR PLOTS, PLZ!
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GREETINGS! [Jan. 22nd, 2011|09:02 pm]
WHY HELLO THERE. I am Laura and I do believe I know a fair few of you, but nevertheless, hello to those I don't! My AIM is clotpoles and my CDJ is [info]ammonites  JUST IN CASE anyone wants to chat or needs to contact me, etc. Go ahead and add me on both! :>

Anyway, this is Aaron Patenaude, the reincarnated form of Orestes (son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, that Orestes). Aaron's parents are dead, but being extremely rich, they left him (and his sister who is the reincarnate of Electra but I'M CHECKING UP ON THAT and it is not really relevant right now) whopping trust funds that were just short of ensuring financial security for the rest of their lives without having to work a single day. Aaron only uses his money to pay tuition at Columbia, where he's a freshman studying Economics. He has only been eighteen since September and is still taken aback by his reincarnate 'identity' and the whole Greek mythology is real shebang. Aaron is practical, logical and quite shy (but active in the community in general at the behest of his sister, SHE IS POSSIBLY BEING APPED just hold up 8D) and he did not (+ still does not) take the fact that he murdered his mother in a past life very well. Very well at all. However, there is a bit of the old Orestes in him - whenever someone wrongs him or his sister in any way, shape or form, Aaron will get revenge. Anger management issues, he has them. However, they are dormant most of the time -- and most will know Aaron as a fairly timid, polite person who has his feet firmly on the ground. ALSO HE HAS TWO CATS. HE LIKES CATS.

Any form of plot you can think of, I AM UP FOR IT. HAHAHA it is laaaate. (False: it's only 10pm.) Please excuse my formatting fail, but friends, enemies, people who don't like him, etc. etc. etc., BRING IT (ON).
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guess who went crazy~ [Jan. 22nd, 2011|08:31 pm]
And apped two characters last night? That's right, that would be me. Uh. Nat. So, along with Persephone, Eris, Clytemnestra (aka Kelly), Orpheus (aka Amergin) and Aphrodite, I bring you Epimetheus and Terpsichote!

Epimetheus is known these days as Owen Salinger, younger brother to Thomas Salinger, aka Prometheus. He is, sadly, not nearly as cool as his brother at all, and follows him around akin to something of a puppy dog. He tries really, really hard to be as awesome as his brother, but he has a terrible tendency to... not think. On an epic scale. It's not his fault, that's how he was made. He's the god of afterthought, not forethought! Owen is an NYU student, who originally tried to get into Tisch but failed on an epic scale (seriously, they still tell the story), and is now instead a history major. He's trying to learn from the past! Who knows how well this will turn out. He is an epic dork, and is also secretly the mastermind behind a series of youtube videos that capture interesting shit happening in New York. He's a bit (read: a lot) of a dork, but is also fairly sweet and earnest and would do absolutely anything for a pretty girl. And don't even get him started on Pandora. *_*

Terpsichore ([info]dancingdelight) goes by the name Charmaine these days (though most people shorten it to Charm). She is charming and witty, and oh-so-fond of song and dance. As she should be, since she's the muse of dance! She is currently working as a burlesque dancer, which is something she has (unsurprisingly) acquired a little bit of fame for. She performs under the stage name Terpsichore - it's HER name, why shouldn't she? She tends to play things pretty coy as well, the only lover she will admit to ever having is Fred Astaire (though whether this is true or not, it is hard to say. It is true that she has a massive crush on him though). She's still pretty close to all her chums from the old days - her sisters, Apollo, Dionysus (LOUIS) and the Graces, if we get some, but she is also generally friendly.

Plots, friends, rivals, whatevers, gimme gimme gimmeeeeee.
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AN INTRO! [Jan. 20th, 2011|07:16 am]

Hello, hello! This is Rae ([info]speedforce)! I’m a little late to the party, but I finally have some characters to introduce!

[info]delphinian is Apollo! He is the son of Zeus and Leto, twin brother of Artemis, god of a great number of things (seriously, he’s like the god of everything), and leader of the Muses. He’s currently known as Bradley Blake, affluent dilettante. He’s very posh and effete, and took to life in the mortal world like a fish to water. But unlike his sister, he never really grew out of his “let me curse the fuck of you for wronging me!” phase, so he can be quite petty and wrathful at times. Homeboy knows how to hold a grudge, so if you ever did anything to wrong him (or his sister/mother), chances are he’s still holding it against you. And he has a notoriously bad track record with romance — most of his love interests end up dead or cursed (sometimes by Apollo’s own hand). But if you’re not on his bad side, then he’s either formal and polite or super friendly! :) Anyway, the rest of his info can be seen here!

[info]foolhardiest is Icarus! We all know the story of Icarus, right? Father warned him not to fly too close to the sun -> ended up flying too close to the sun anyway -> plummeted to his death. All of Icarus’ reincarnations are fated to die in a similar manner, and this one is no different. This time around, his name is Jeremy Vogel, a 21 year old student at Columbia University. He’s actually a very intelligent Environmental Science major, but you wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at him. For one thing, Jeremy has no filter whatsoever, so he ends up saying the first thing that pops in his mind. So he often comes off as a bit dim, even if he isn’t. He’s also a huge daredevil, and spends most of his time doing reckless and dangerous stuff. But other than that, he’s ridiculously friendly and optimistic, although he’s a bit of a fatalist when it comes to his own life. Oh, and he works alongside Celia/Circe at Starbucks. :D The rest of his bio is here!

That’s all for now! I have more characters coming in later (read: ladies), but I figured I’d get this up while I had some free time on my hands. Let us talk plot and character dynamics, people! :>
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Pujie in the house! [Jan. 19th, 2011|05:24 pm]

Hello, my beauts!

This is Puja, coming in off an 8 month (if not longer) hiatus to take baby steps back into the RP world. From what I've seen of this game, it looks awesome and low-key, and EXACTLY what I need in my life right now. Those of you who know me, hello! And those of you who don't know me, let's fix that ASAP :]

And now down to business. I have here a certain reincarnation of Aeneas. He's a son of Aphrodite and apparently a third cousin of Hector, but long story short: Troy fell, Aeneas survived, and the gods told him to go found Rome. I don't think most of the Aeneid comes into play here, since that's a Greek/Roman/Phoenician crossover and probably doesn't apply.

ANYWAY, this time around he's called Jason Andreas who is a post-modern fiction writer. He grew up pretty poor in NYC, went to NYU, and is now getting his MFA there. His books have done really well (if your characters are into that sort of reading), but they're all published under the pen name "Darrell Wade". As far as the people around him are concerned, he's just a friendly, somewhat straight-laced guy who's into writing.

I realize that this whole post has come out as rambly nonsense, so just check out his profile. I'm pretty sure it makes more sense than I do. You can reach me at my IJ ([info]puja) or at pujabberwocky on both AIM and Gtalk/gmail :]

If you can't already tell, I'm super excited about coming back to RP with all of you. :D
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Woah-oh, look out, you're what she came fooor [Jan. 18th, 2011|01:56 am]
Hey hos,

Julie got me all excited about the intro bandwagon, so you're going to have to deal with another Marie character up on your flist, number two if you've been counting...the only other one I have.

This is Artemis, or Juliet as she's known to the outside world/a few other mythological figures, and girlfriend has grown up a little. Although she refuses to discuss her own sexuality, she's begun focusing a great deal more on her skills in women's health these days, as opposed to hunting--which, to be fair, she still does. She works in a Manhattan clinic as an OB-GYN, and volunteers at free/low-income clinics performing the same services for people less able to pay for them. She provides a great deal of services to the LGBT community, particularly those of the female-assigned/bodied persuasion, and her clients tend to find her quiet, professional, and non-judgmental of their specific issues. Also, naturally, she appears to have a miraculous ability to heal and help with all manner of women's health problems.

In her personal life, Artemis/Juliet continues to keep to herself, save for the regular companionship of her beloved twin, Apollo (who should be coming along shortly, ho ho ho). She surfaces on the network if she feels like commenting on something, and is always up for a conversation or a debate...but she remains fiercely private and protective of her own beliefs, as well as stubborn as hell in all the old ways--insult her mother to your great peril, bitches, etc. Of course, all that privacy is awful for an rper, so if anybody has any ideas or thoughts on interaction, please please drop me a line. Sup, extended family! In the meantime, WOOOO MYTH PSL, ETC. :D
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sup julie here~ [Jan. 17th, 2011|11:42 pm]

Schoolwork is still swallowing me alive, but since PSLs are now the only RP I've got goin' on, I'm going to start tiptoeing my way back! So without further ado, here is CECELIA MOSELY / CIRCE! In myth, Circe was a vindictive sorceress with a tendency of falling head-over-heels for certain studly heroes, using her spells to try to win them over, and then turning people into animals when they get on her bad side. In this reincarnation, she still has a ways to go before she grows up properly: Celia's an immature 21-year-old senior at NYU, studying film and pursuing self-directed coursework~ under Prometheus' thumb. Sometimes petty, catty, and bratty; somewhat socially handicapped, since she relies on magic moreso than real-life savoir faire; still uses her magic to punish her enemies (of which she keeps imagining she has many), but is a stalwart defender of the underdog. She's slowly picking up some morals, i.e. that it's not socially acceptable to turn your bitchy college roommate into a pig and then wipe her memory after she changes back. So in a line: Celia's a parcel of bad behaviour wrapped up in good intentions. She's quite the mischief-maker, and courtesy of a strained upbringing, adores using her abilities for personal gain.

SO ANYWAY. Other university-aged kiddos to establish a dynamic with? People who might have met her at Starbucks, during her infrequent shifts there? People prominent in NYC arts & culture who she might've followed around while doing a video feature? Friends? People who've gotten on her bad side? Dudes she's fawned over from afar and tried to dose with love potions? LEMME AT 'EM.
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INTRO [Jan. 7th, 2011|08:24 pm]
Heyo! I'm Jamie (deadlybirdsof/mie.meimei@gmail.com) annnnd this is Hemera! She's the primordial goddess of the day, and one of Nyx's kids. Hemera loves LIGHT (<3), windows and architecture, being a redhead, painting, any kind of social networking site ever and hitting the hay at 8pm (at the latest!) every day. She's self-involved, upbeat, flighty, joyously selfish, very friendly and honest. She's an odd combination of wise and oblivious, and in some ways is clearly an old, old, old woman inhabiting the body of something she clearly sees as a child. In many other ways she's more like a very chipper, kind of ridiculous former cheerleader.

Her most recent alias is Kat Kennedy, under which Hemera attended graduated class of '05 as a cheerleader with a sucky GPA and now works as a small time model for artists, college art classes, catalogues, etc. Although she naturally has an NY accent, for the past 6 or so years she's faked a Northern Irish accent. It is not a very believable one; she doesn't appear to be aware of this. She is the goddess who keeps trying to add you as her sister/brother/mother/father/daughter on facebook, no matter how odd it looks. And probably sends you invitations for Sorority Life all the time.

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hold expirations! [Dec. 28th, 2010|12:29 pm]
hey guys, julie popping in after conferencing with nat. :> we want to clean up the holdspage in january (2011 oh my god what the hell??), so here's some word on expiries:

pre-december 14th holds: it's been a while, so you guys have one more week to get those profiles in (until january 4th). remember, these apps are really really really easy! bullet points and brevity is a-ok!

all other holds: last for 1 month -- which should be more than enough time, after which point they'll be cleared.
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wanted characters-- [Dec. 27th, 2010|04:01 pm]

YES, IT'S ME AGAIN, since another thought occurred to me. want to list some of YOUR wanted characters? :D sophia inadvertently reminded me of this, & then i realised that an update of the wanted list -- according to the playerbase -- could really help any prospective applicants. anyone you'd like to see for connection with your characters?
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amazon of the non retail type [Dec. 26th, 2010|08:44 pm]
Hello everyone. It is Cate again and I have a new girl to introduce! Aside from Athena, I now have Hippolyta! )
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[Dec. 26th, 2010|10:20 pm]
It's probably not complete, but I found this family tree quite helpful.
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OCCUPATIONS! [Dec. 22nd, 2010|11:42 pm]

Hey guys! Because I am ridiculous, I want to give some spreadsheet-makin'~ a shot, so could you respond to this post with your characters' occupations (& if students, field of study + university)? :D Might help us see where the overlap is / where characters might know each other from overlapping fields!
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No, I didn't post this in IC comm first, why did you ask? >_> [Dec. 21st, 2010|06:39 pm]
Hi! I probably should have done this earlier, but circumstances (which is what I'm calling the insanity that is LHR at the moment) kept me from doing so. Anyways, as I think some of you guys may already know, I'm Cat. I like Nutella, Neil Gaiman, making Eddie Izzard references, and escaping Heathrow. I'm working on another character which I'll hopefully have finished soon, but I have this kid ready to go, so why don't I cut to the chase and introduce her?

Meet Jo Breen! She's a 21-year-old studying pysch at NYU, all the while running a blog on all the various protests and movements she's involved in. She's bright, passionate, argumentative, and has a dark past that involves her and her siblings being the product of an affair between her mother and her mother's stepson. Oh, did I mention that she's the reincarnation of Antigone? Well, now I did! You can read more about Jo right over here!

So, friends, enemies, followers of her blog? If you want to friend me here on IJ, my journal is [info]chelseamorning. Looking forward to playing with you all! :D
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Why hello. :) [Dec. 21st, 2010|10:08 pm]
Nat here, with my second round of introductions. For those of you who missed my first post, it is here, though it is flocked. >.>

First of all is this lady, Aphrodite. Going by Callidora Moray, regular humans think she's a socialite who they know very little about, other than she's fabulous at parties and has a lot of money. It's all primarily been gifts from lovers and admirers - Aphrodite doesn't work after all. She and Ares are still together, though she does have something of an impressive harem. ... though Adonis-reincarnate is her favourite. Pay too much attention to him at your own risk. She's still as flighty and vain as always, and it's not a good idea to get on her wrong side, because there goes your love life forever. :)

Also I have [info]praiseworthy, aka Kelly Edwards, aka Clytemnestra. She is, perhaps, the black sheep of the Andrews family, mostly because she is a bitch and a half. The queen bee of both her high school and now Columbia, she rules with an iron fist in a velvet glove. She comes across (most of the time) as sweet and generally perfect, but she's very much not so. Think Kathryn from Cruel Intentions without the kinky sexgames with her step-brother. No, instead she dates nice boys and secretly sleeps with bad boys. She is currently looking to replace both of the boys she strung along during high school, while she attends Columbia and tries to decide whether she'd rather be Hilary Clinton or... idk, insert a famous businesswoman here. She's pretty close with her family despite how bitchy she gets with them sometimes - she might be a bitch to them, but no one else is allowed. :| Despite claiming she doesn't give a toss about being a reincarnate and socialising as she pleases, the truth is she still holds grudges from her original life (she has a horse called Cassandra, after all), and likes to charm the more powerful members of the mythic community.
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[Dec. 21st, 2010|10:41 am]
Hi hello, it's Hezy again :D Penultimate intro, I promise.

Bringing you Gaia this time around, primordial deity, the literal Mother Earth etc. She was the first Prôtogenoi to come out of the void (hey Dad!) and created the Earth and gave birth to the sky etc. Titans, what up she's your grandmother~. After the whole Zeus over throwing Cronus thing she kind of faded into the background as far as Olympus went, she was always more of a power than a deity anyway, but as a result she was one of the first to choose to take human form, so she's been all up in the mortal world for a long time. Gaia is sweet and kind, she's embraced the whole mortal life span thing pretty well, and spends a lot of time outdoors as you might imagine. She's very motherly and loves children, which is why right now she's working as a nanny for a couple of professional~ mortals who don't really have time for their kids, so basically she's Mary Poppins :D.

I'm going to go back and tag entries for plots, BUT TAG ME HERE TOO OKAY :D ♥
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[Dec. 21st, 2010|03:20 am]

SUP. I'm Mike. I know many of you. For those I don't, I'm really a nice guy. Don't mind the foul language and general dickishness. Add me at [info]flyspeck, if you want. :]

I'm playing Castor for now. This go-around he's called Charlie Andrews. He's [info]polluxian's twin, and [info]sails and [info]praiseworthy's brother. He graduated law school in the spring and is working at a pretty good firm, but he's still on the bottom rung. He's pretty insular and moody and is fairly distrustful of gods and reincarnates who don't share his surname. But he's not a bad guy, over all.

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LAST ONE I SWEARS [Dec. 21st, 2010|03:15 am]
blah blah, maddie, [info]magrathea blah last one x forever.

this is anteros, god of requited and returned love, punsher of those who scorn true loves advances. son of aphrodite and ares, was born to be a companion to eros. serial monogamist, follows through on everything, respects commitment. likes america, plays baseball, as 12 undergraduate degrees. can most often be found with his brother.

paris, helen, you're going to get a talking to about not embracing love. like, 10000 talking tos.
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[Dec. 20th, 2010|11:18 am]

SUP EVERYONE. This is Lucy (~tinmiss; I have Hestia and Atropos thus far!) with ~two more~ characters. :)


...we all know I can't be brief, okay. ANYWAY. PLOTS AND STUFF ARE COOL.
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